Using my spare key, I enter the apartment and the first thing I notice is a handwritten note on the dining table. I walk closer. It’s addressed to Nat. I sit and read.

Hey hon, sorry I didn’t talk to you about this before but I’m feeling a little raw. I don’t think I could’ve spoken about it without crying a river.

Nik and I broke up.

The Omarr thing worked but everything is screwed up. There was a big misunderstanding and I need some space. I’m going away a few days for some R&R. I’ll have my phone but it’ll be off so leave a message if you need me. I wouldn’t entrust the store to anyone but you. You know me, I’ll be fine. Just needing some time alone. Talk about it when I get home.

I love you. You’re the best sister ever.

My heart sinks.

I’ve driven the only woman I’ve wanted to protect from hurt and pain to this. I feel like the world’s biggest asshole. Actually, I am the world’s biggest asshole.

When the Sissy office ordeal happened, Tina listened to me (with the help of Nat) and believed me. I didn’t even let her speak a word. I knew something wasn’t right but I let my pride get in the way.

A sudden idea pops into my head. I flip open my cell and dial my guy. He picks up and I state, “I need someone found. Like, yesterday. ”

He responds with, “I need a cell number. ”

I give it to him and tell him her cell will be off most of the time so he’ll need to check regularly. I quickly add he’ll be well paid for the time he spends on this assignment. He accepts the terms and says he’ll call as soon as he gets a hit. I end the call and pray to god that Tina is safe and well.

If something happened to her I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself.


Two days later…

My mind is only focused on one thing.


Not being able to see for myself that she’s okay is driving me insane. I’m anxious and moody at everyone who cares about me.

One of the worst things I’ve ever had to do was admit to the girls what I’d done. To say Nat was angry at me would be an understatement. She punched me in the nose. And broke it. I took it without a word because I know I deserved it. So I’m sporting a couple of black eyes and a busted purple nose.

Who knew Nat had a mean right hook?

As soon as I’d done that I decided I had to tell the guys. There is something about admitting you’re wrong about something that makes you feel worthless. Admitting you’re wrong about something important, even more so.

I called a meeting in the conference room with my newly broken nose. Once the guys were seated, I explained what had happened. Max was the first to react. He got up out of his seat and left the conference room without a word. And it hurt more than any words could.

Ghost asked what happened to my nose with a twitch of his lips.

The jerk already knows.

They have CCTV at Safira. I responded with, “Your girlfriend should become a boxer. ”

Last was Trick. The look on his face was pure disappointment. Disappointment in me. I didn’t like that. Trick has always been my buddy, even at the worst of times. This is the first thing that’s happened that’s ever gotten in the way of our friendship. He doesn’t have my back here.

No one has my back here. I fucked up. I’m backed up against a wall with three men and three women threatening to pounce on me at any second. That’s never a good feeling. What makes it a worse feeling is when those people are your friends and family.

Which brings us to today.

It’s been two days and not a word of new information from my guy. He called to say her phone is still off but he’s keeping a constant eye on it. It doesn’t make me feel any better. With every day Tina is missing, worry and apprehension tear away at what’s left of mind.

The days go slowly and the nights aren’t any better. I can’t sleep not knowing where Tina is sleeping. Nat said she hasn’t been able to contact her but Tina has sent her a text twice to assure she’s okay.

I don’t buy it.