Page 39 of Fallout (Crank 3)

I hate that she thinks sex

is the only thing on my mind.

The last time she went there,

she was taking me back to Darla

and Phil’s, after a long weekend

of not-quite-bonding at her tacky

Vegas apartment. Any news on

the boyfriend front? Getting a little?

Like I’d confide in her if I was.

“Who do you think I am? You?”

Sometimes, I guess, I’m snappish.

But doesn’t she deserve snap?

Her comeback was immediate,

not to mention completely lame.

Summer Lily Kenwood!

Why are you so angry?

“Let’s start with my name.

Like my life is so full of sunshine,

and like you didn’t know how

crappy it would be the day you

named me. And then there’s

you, who chose to go ahead

and have me, even though

you didn’t want me….”

She jerked her piece-of-crap car

over against the curb. Lit a new

cigarette off the one already

irritating my asthma. Shut your

mouth. I did want you. Still want you.

I just don’t have enough resources….