Page 20 of Fallout (Crank 3)

surprises life might

have in store for me.

I swear, without her

I probably would

have jumped off

a bridge the first

time I got my period.

Yeah, we’d had the basic

You’re a Woman Now

video and discussion

in sixth grade. But

textbook “birds

and bees” cannot

even prepare you for

what that really means.


Can’t tell my period when to start,

how many hours to make me

miserable. Can’t tell it not to come

at all. I have zero control over

any of that, and that really,

really bothers me. See, I’ve got

a little thing called OCD.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

is something people make fun of.

But when it’s something

you’ve got, there’s nothing

funny about it. First off,

you know you have it, know

some little piece of your brain