Page 14 of Glass (Crank 2)

Mom kept trying to feed me. My stepfather, Scott, kept

trying to ask questions about my visit with Dad. My

big sister, Leigh, wanted to talk about her new girlfriend,

and my little brother, Jake, kept going on about soccer.

It didn’t take long to figure out I was in serious trouble.

Not the Kind of Trouble

You might think I’m

talking about. I was pretty

sure I could get away with Mom and Scott.

I’d always been such a good

girl, they wouldn’t make the

jump to “bad” too quickly.

Especially not if I stayed cool.

I wasn’t worried about

getting busted at school

or on the street. I’d only just

begun my walk with the monster.

I still had meat on my bones,

the teeth still looked good.

I didn’t stutter yet. My mouth

could still keep up with my brain.

No, the main thing I worried

about was how I could score

there, at home. I’d never even

experimented with pot, let alone

meth. Where could I go?

Who could I trust with my

money, my secrets? I couldn’t

ask Leigh. She was the prettiest