We sit like this for a few moments, content to just soak each other in.

"Thank you, Sterling," I whisper.

"Anything for you." He softly kisses my forehead before releasing me. It feels like a piece of me is missing as he stands and heads for the door. "See you soon."

Tears threaten to fall, but Stella claims his vacated seat before they have a chance.

She takes my hands in hers. "Don't you ever scare me like that again!"

"I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize. Just get better, you know? Get healthy.”

"I will. Promise.”

"I know you will."

“How's Gabe and Zach?”

"They're good. They've been really worried about you, but Sterling has made sure to keep everyone updated."

Stella laughs.


"Babe. You don't even know."

"Tell me then."

"I think a lot of it he needs to tell you. But trust me when I say you are his priority. He's been at the hospital every day, almost all day, and when he wasn’t, he's been fighting to make sure that piece of shit stepbrother pays for what he did."

"Really?" A small thrill runs through me. "What about his classes and his TA duties?"

Stella gives my hand a squeeze. "I guess I'll tell you since you're gonna find out anyway. He stepped down from his TA position. He told his uncle he couldn't do it anymore, and he's been doing his classes remotely."

An indescribable feeling—some odd combination of joy and sadness and a whole lot of love—settles into my chest, sinking through my heart and into my soul. The fact that he's willing to basically put his entire life on hold... for me has me feeling some kind of way.

"That man definitely loves you."

"I love him, too."

She beams. "Good. Are you hungry?"

"Starving. Hospital food is the worst."

Stella crinkles her nose. "I don't know. I kind of like it."


"How about I order us a pizza and we invite your daddies over to eat?"

I very nearly choke on a laugh. "That sounds perfect."

Chapter Forty-Three


“Is it done?” I ask, skipping over any and all pleasantries.

"Son, do you have any idea how late it is?"

"I do."

"And this couldn’t have waited until tomorrow?”

"Dad," I growl.

"Sterling," he growls right back. As much as I sometimes hate to admit it, he and I are a lot alike. "Yes. It’s done.”

Immediately a weight is lifted off my chest. “Tell me everything.”

He sighs, and I can just picture him pinching the bridge of his nose while pacing in front of his desk. Because, as late as it may be, I know for a fact he wasn’t in bed. Harold Abbot is nothing if not a workaholic.

“I talked to Robert Sunday night. He wasn’t very receptive at first, so I threatened to pull my support of his businesses. And when that wasn’t enough, I also threatened to advise other clients to walk away as well. Pearson Enterprises is nothing without me and the wheels I grease, so he agreed to my terms.”

“When does he leave?”

“Rob was on the first flight Monday morning. He’s already gone.”


“To a place he can’t hurt anyone ever again.”

“How do you know?” I ask, because damn if this doesn’t all sound too good to be true.

“Some things are better left unsaid, son. But he knows the consequences he’ll face if he ever comes back.”

“Which are?”

“He’ll be not only disowned, but also disinherited. All of the money in his trust would be forfeited to Emmalyn.”

“And you have this in writing?”

My dad scoffs. “I’m not an amateur, son.”

"I know." I stand and begin to pace. My apartment feels so lonely without her here. Hell, my whole life feels lonely, sad as it sounds. “Thank you.”

“That’s not all,” he says, immediately putting me on edge.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“The remainder of Emmalyn’s college has been paid for. And Robert and Sarah will be making quarterly donations to several charities that help battered women.”

“Why?” I ask, even though I’m overjoyed at what he’s saying.

"I've made a lot of mistakes in the name of money, son. A lot of mistakes period. But I'm trying to make it right. I never should have helped that slimy little shit the first time around. I've never liked that kid."

"Then why did you?"

He sighs, and I answer for him.



"Thanks for helping me, Dad."

"It's the least I could do. And, it's got your mom talking to me again, so that's another plus."

My phone beeps, and I go on high alert when I see it’s Stella.

"Dad, I—I gotta let you go."

I accept the incoming call before he can say another word.

"Stella, what's wrong?" There has to be a reason for her to be calling so late. It's nearly ten o'clock. "Is everything okay?"

"I don't know." Her distress bleeds through loud and clear. "She's having a nightmare, and I can't wake her up. I don't know what to do!"

"I'm on my way," I say, flying out of the house barefoot and shirtless. The cold doesn't even phase me as the wind whips across my skin. I only have one thing on my mind, and that's getting to Emmalyn.