She slides into her seat, a funny look on her pretty face. "Four seems pretty early."

"I have my reasons."

"We'll see."

I grin at her cheekiness as I round the front of my car. Once I'm behind the wheel, I start the engine and throw it into gear. "Guarantee it'll be the best date you've ever been on."

She snorts out a laugh. "It'll be the only."

"What?" Surely, I misheard her. I know she dated in high school. She had a doofy little douche of a boyfriend. Rob complained about him incessantly. Hello, red flag. Talking about hindsight being twenty-twenty. "You had a boyfriend though...what was his name?"

"I mean, Aaron and I went out, but it was always group stuff, you know?"

"So, I'll be your first date?"

She shifts in her seat. "Yeah, I guess you will be."

I stop in front of her dorm building, not bothering to park in a space, and slam the gearshift into park. "Friday. Four o'clock.”

With a small smile on her face, she unbuckles her seat belt and reaches for the door handle.

“Oh, and, Emmy, pack a bag, because you're spending the night.”

She starts to reply, but I reach over the console and pull her back into the seat, pressing my lips to her, silencing her with my kiss.

Chapter Thirty-One


After dropping Emmalyn back at her dorm, I head home. I should probably work on grading for Vic, but the only thing on my mind is getting a jumpstart on planning the best first date ever.


Even thinking that makes me feel like I've lost my balls. But fuck if I care, because something tells me Emmalyn Price is worth it.

I wave my fob over the censor on my door. The light flashes to green and I shoulder the door open, kicking off my shoes in the foyer before heading back to my bedroom to change into something more comfortable.

I'm half-tempted to shower, but I know the second I get under that hot spray, I'll end up with my hand wrapped around my dick as I beat off to thoughts of Emmalyn.

As tempting as that sounds, it's not conducive to my end goal...making her mine. So, instead, I swap my jeans for sweats and pad back down the hall toward the kitchen in search of coffee.

Armed with my laptop and caffeine, I make my way to the couch.

"I was wondering when you'd get here."

"What the fuck!" I shout, as my laptop goes flying across the room, and my mug drops to the floor, shattering on impact, splashing scalding hot coffee all over my bare feet. I stumble back, slipping and sliding, in an attempt to escape the scorching liquid.

"Don't be so dramatic, Sterling."

With fury and fire still racing through my veins, I give him my back, stalking off in search of a towel to clean up the mess.

I return in a new pair of sweats and a whole slew of questions for my former best friend. "Why in the hell are you inside my house?"

Rob tsks. "Is that any way to greet your best friend?"

"I'd probably be a bit more hospitable if I had known you were coming." I cross the room to retrieve my laptop; thankfully it's in one piece. "It also would've helped had you knocked and I let you in. It's a little disconcerting to find someone inside your locked home. Breaking and entering isn't a good look."

He scoffs loudly. "Step down from your soapbox, Sterling. We both know you gave me a key. I simply used it."

"Without my consent." I flip open my laptop and exhale a relieved breath when it powers up with no problem.

"You giving me the key is implied consent."

Not for the first time, I want to slam my fist into his face. But I remain seated, with a carefully neutral look on my face. "Shouldn't be surprised. Consent’s not really your thing."

Rob's on his feet in a flash. "What did you just say?"

"You heard me." I place my laptop down on the cushion and stand as well. Only, my movements are slow, methodical.

"I was really hoping my eyes had deceived me. That you weren't cozying up to that little bitch."

"Watch your mouth." My voice is a growl, feral and vicious, a warning.

Rob barks out a sharp, mirthless laugh. "Whatever for? Surely you haven't fallen for the whore's innocent victim act."

"I swear to God, Rob—" I advance toward him, fully prepared to forcibly remove him from my home.

"You have." He shakes his head, his disappointment evident. "I was torn at first, you know? I thought maybe you were having sleepovers and taking her out as a way to gain her trust. But instead, she somehow gained yours."

I stop halfway to him as his words sink in, ratcheting my anger up to uncharted levels. "'ve been following us. Spying."

A grin that can only be described as evil splits his cheeks. "Had to make sure my best friend was staying loyal. I should've known better. What's the saying...if you want a friend, get a dog?"