Page 100 of Sweet Little Nothing

I nod again and he rushes me, wrapping his arms around me and twirling me around.

"Hell yes! This is the best day ever!" he exclaims before crushing his lips to mine.

I can't help but agree. Today is the best day ever.

It's my real fresh start and the official first day of the rest of my life with Sterling Abbot at my side.



Standing in front of the full-length mirror, I smooth my hands over the front of my pretty white dress. My makeup is perfect, and there's not a single strand of hair out of place.

Just breathe, I tell myself, trying to settle the swarm of nerves twisting through me.

My phone buzzes and I grab it from the table.

Stella: Today's the day! Are you so excited?

Me: I'm mostly just nervous. You know?

Stella: You will kick all of the ass! Promise!

Me: If you say so…

Me: I wish you were here!

Stella: Ugh! Me, too, babe. But noooo, I’m at a family reunion in the middle of BFE.

Me: It’s fine.

Stella: It’s not. Send me a selfie. I want to see you in your gown.

Me: Will do. Love you!

Stella: Love you more!

God love her, she always knows the right thing to say. And today of all days, I need the extra help.

Holly says bad days are normal, but luckily, they’re few and far in between. But today, I can feel it itching to take hold and derail my plans.

Deep breaths. Today is going to be a good day. I will not allow my past to derail my future.

I feel marginally calmer after repeating the affirmations Holly taught me.

Some days, it's a little hard to believe that I've made it this far—that we've made it this far—but we have, and I know that together, Sterling and I are going to do great things.

It wasn't easy getting here, and it definitely wasn't always fun. But I know I'm exactly where I am meant to be, and damn if that doesn't feel good.

"Knock-knock," Sterling says before entering the room.

Scowling playfully at him in the mirror, I ask, "What are you doing in here?"

He hitches his thumb over his shoulder. "It's time to go."

"Already?" I ask, turning to fully face him.

His gorgeous gray eyes eat me up as he takes in every little detail. "You look beautiful, Emmalyn. So fucking beautiful."

"Thanks. I'm almost ready."

"You look perfect to me."

I roll my eyes and turn back to the mirror. Of course he would say I look perfect; he loves me and would think I was hot dressed in a potato sack.

"I just need to put on my necklace."

His eyes spark, and he steps completely into the room, moving with purpose until he's at my back. "Let me help you."

I pass him the necklace—a stunning family heirloom his mother passed to me on the second Christmas we celebrated together as a family—and he sweeps my hair out of the way and fastens the delicate chain around my neck before leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to the sensitive skin there.

"There," I say, assessing myself one last time.

"Perfection," he growls. "You're perfection."

I turn to face him. He's standing so close I have to look up to make eye contact. "Is it dumb that I'm nervous?"

He settles his hands on my shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze before sweeping them down my arms to interlock our fingers. "You're going to do amazing. Just remember when you walk down the aisle, keep your eyes straight ahead."

"What if I trip?" I ask, kicking out my right foot to emphasize the heels Stella talked me into.

"Then look down and avoid eye contact at all cost."

I laugh, breaking his hold on one hand so I can smack his chest. "A lot of help you are!"

"But, I made you smile. So..."

"You are something else, Sterling Abbot."

"But you love me."

"With my whole heart."

He leans in to kiss me, but pulls back at the last minute. "Don't wanna ruin your lipstick."

"You better kiss me right this very instant!"

With his lips curled up into a smirk, he gives into my command, kissing me like his life depends on it.


"So very much."

"Good. Now, come on, little mouse, the ceremony waits for no one."

The drive to the venue is a quick one—just enough time to fix my lipstick—and by the time we're there, my nerves have settled, because I know that this is the first step in achieving the many things I want out of my life.

We park near the back of the very full lot. "Do you have everything?"

"Just need to get my bag from the trunk."

"I'll get it, baby."

Sterling grabs my garment bag from the trunk and drapes it over his left arm, wrapping his right around my waist. He walks me all the way to the side door, where we have to go our separate ways. "You've got this!"

"Where will you be?"