For the right price, which I was sure Sadie or Jasper would offer, I’d be in the hands of the Ashby family, who would love to send my body parts to Daddy Dearest, if for no other reason than to just fuck with his head.

But it will only work if he gives a damn, and he doesn’t.

“Fucking withdrawals.” They made me morose and emotional, which I hated about me. The tears fell down my cheeks again, easily with my body going through the shock of detox and being locked in this room, with rabid sluts on the other side of the door, ready to beat my ass for the simple act of existing.

And acting as though I was fucking their leader.

That thought produced a small smile, but it didn’t last long because goddamnit, I was stuck. Alone inside this room until Charlie remembered he had a hostage locked away in his clubhouse, one that could be worth a lot of money if he played his cards right.

“Shit. I need to get out of here.”

It wasn’t the first time I’d had that thought in the past few hours, but it was the first time it felt urgent. Imminent. If I didn’t get out of here and fast, I might end up in a worse situation than being whored out to make a biker gang rich.

The Ashby family wouldn’t bother with whoring me out. They’d kill me. Torture me for a while to see if I could offer any intel that would help them gain an advantage over my father and his friends. And when it was all said and done, they’d kill me.

Sadie Ashby was a ruthless bitch with a cold-hearted son named Jasper.

As my sweaty skin soaked through the sheet, that didn’t seem like such a bad way to go, at least not until I got an hour or so of sleep and could think a little more clearly. I couldn’t go out like that, not after everything I’d already been through. Not after the huge sacrifice Tits made to free me.

I had to fight, which meant I had to plan my escape.

And I would, too. As soon as I got past these fucking withdrawals.

Chapter Fifteen


I woke up suddenly, blinking rapidly against the bright sun that filtered through the blinds that covered my bedroom windows. I bolted upright and looked around while I tried to figure out what the hell had woken me so abruptly. There was nothing disturbed in my room, and when I closed my eyes, no sounds came from inside the house.


No sound was normal, usually. “Shit!” I jumped out the bed and ran down the hall to the guest room where Savannah had been sleeping. She wasn’t there and the door wasn’t locked.

“Fuck.” I’d forgotten about her. Left her at the clubhouse all damn night.

I didn’t want to wait, but booze oozed out of my pores, and I stopped for a quick, hot shower, smiling at just how pissed she would be when I got to her. Then again, pissed off was her default setting. Not that I blamed her after everything she’d been through, but it was kind of fun to see her all riled up and angry. It was better than the beaten down woman she was on the outside, gaunt and bruised and broken. After my shower, I made a call to Jameson for a ride out to the Ashby's place to pick up my bike.

“No need. It’s already in your driveway.” His laughter sounded before the call ended abruptly, like maybe he wasn’t alone. Hmm… Madison? Was she even legal?

Good, Jameson needs to get laid.

I made my way to the clubhouse and rode to the rear entrance, hoping to avoid the eager gazes and hands of the Reckless Bitches, who seemed to be around more than ever these days. It was a pointless hope since two of them were smoking on the back patio, leaving me trapped.

“Hey, Mr. President.”

“Ladies.” I did a drive-by smile and wave, hoping to end it there.

Another fruitless hope.

“Where you off to in such a hurry?” Sherri’s voice was thick and full of mischief. “The junkie you’re hiding in your room?”

I turned just in time to see Chickie elbow her in the side. “Sherri!”

“What? It’s just a question, a fair one at that.”

I folded my arms and stared at her. “I’m sorry, when did I start having to explain myself to you?”

Sherri’s eyes went wide, and she stood, stamping out her cigarette. “That’s not what I meant, Charlie.”

“No? Then tell me what you meant by questioning me?”

She shrugged. “Just…we’re all wondering who the hell she is and why she’s here. That’s all.”

“Keep wondering. When it’s your business to know something, you’ll know it.” My gaze shifted to Chickie. “Is that clear?”

“Crystal clear. Sherri is just over-tired and feeling a bit possessive of our new Prez, that’s all.”