“Perfect,” I whispered to myself. I stepped out into a dimly lit hallway. To the right I saw two doors. I checked one and found it was just a toilet with a small sink, and the other door led to the outside patio where Charlie had snuck me inside. To the left, I could hear the women’s voices and the sound of cue balls cracking together across a pool table.

I didn’t back down from a confrontation, ever. And I certainly wouldn’t start now. Besides, they were here and not at the wedding, which meant they weren’t old ladies, family, or official club members. They were something else entirely, and there was a good chance I could score a hit of something, anything, off them.

I walked straight ahead until I found myself in the pool room and stood at the entrance until one of them looked up and I got their attention.

“And who the fuck are you?”

The woman spat the question at me, making a big show of how tough she was, which gave me a chance to size her up. She was older than the others, by at least a decade, either that or hard living had taken its toll. She wore skin-tight jeans and a half-top that showed off an impressively large set of tits, bought by the MC, no doubt.

I stood my ground and said, “The name’s Savvy, who the fuck are you?”

A few of the women chuckled at my response, which only pissed her off more. “I’m Chickie, and I’m in charge of the Reckless Bitches.”

“Good for you. I’m looking to score. Can any of you Bitches help?”

It probably wasn’t smart to taunt them when I was so outnumbered but I couldn’t seem to help myself.

“Are you with Charlie?”

I shrugged. “He brought me here.”


“To keep me safe. That’s what he said, but you know how men are.” I rolled my eyes and took in all six women, dressed to impress even though there wasn’t a man in sight. “So, are any of you holding?”

The older woman got in my face. “Are you fucking Charlie or not?”

“What business is it of yours?”

Charlie was a handsome man, and he seemed nice, at least on the surface, so it wasn’t surprising these women had an eye on becoming his old lady. I wasn’t interested in him, only getting a fix before the sweating and nausea worsened.

“Answer the fucking question, bitch!” Another woman, with black hair, pale skin and a lace bustier shoved me.

“Don’t fucking touch me.” My voice came out on a low growl and all the hairs on my arms stood on edge as my fight-or-flight senses kicked in.

“Or what,” she said, bumping her inflated chest against mine. “What are you gonna do about it, fuckin’ whore?”

I put my hands up and pushed that bitch as hard as I could until she fell to the cement floor and hit her head. “Or I’ll make you regret it, bitch.”

The older woman got in my face again. “You shouldn’t have done that.”

The thing about withdrawals was that I never knew what to expect. Sometimes it was puking and yawning, tears and muscle pain, but the constant was agitation. I was cranky, sore, and not in the mood for this bullshit. “Just answer the fucking question. Are you holding?”

“Maybe. Are you fucking Charlie?”

“I haven’t decided yet. What’s it to you?”

The older woman lunged and a petite redhead slid between us.

“Charlie is ours. He’s the new President and if anyone is gonna be his old lady, it’s gonna be one of us.”

“Who’s stopping you?” If Charlie was interested in any of them, they’d be with him at his cousin’s wedding. But that wasn’t any of my business or my concern.

“Just stay the fuck away from him or else.”

I folded my arms and lifted my chin defiantly. “Make your move if you think you have a chance, but you’re a little old for him, aren’t you?”

“Bitch!” She reared back her fist. I ducked, and her misplaced punch landed on one of her friends.

“You better go,” the redhead whispered and gave me a shove.

I nodded and hurried back to my room, or rather Charlie’s room, and locked the door before I stripped down and crawled into bed. His intention might have been to keep me safe, but I was no safer here among those crazy bitches than I’d been last night, or the night before.

What I needed was a plan to get away from Charlie and the Reckless Bastards—and their Bitches. And then I could formulate a plan to get out of the Tri-City area altogether.

My life depended on it.

Chapter Thirteen


“I now pronounce you husband and wife. Go on son, kiss your bride.” The preacher’s encouraging smile was all Virgil needed to grab Maisie by the face and lay a kiss on her that was entirely too hot for the inside of a church.