It was a good damn question. I wiped my nose, enjoying the buzz and walked back over to Jas. “We should check on the girls. And the bouncers.”

Jasper nodded. “And whoever the fuck else might be dead down there,” he growled and motioned for me to follow, which I did. “You’re pretty badass with that piece, Charlie.”

I ignored the smirk on Jasper’s face because it wasn’t the first time I’d heard that. I’d been on the shooting range at the MC since I was about five. “Don’t you forget it. Pass the world along.”

The downstairs part of Lucky Lopez was business as usual with two girls stripped out of their bikini tops on the main stage. Another cat crawled her way up onto the pole, while a bunch of rowdy college boys threw money at her.

“Shit,” he growled and stopped in the middle of the club.

I knew exactly what he was getting at. The bouncer stood between the security doors and several burly security men were stationed around the bar. Drinks were being served while the DJ mixed music and introduced the dancers. It was just like any other strip club in the world.

“They just walked right in?” I asked.

“Not with guns,” Jasper said, a puzzled look on his face. “Somebody let them in.”

“You sure?”

“Fuck yeah, I’m sure. I’ve got the best of the best on those front doors.” His gaze darkened as he took in each of his employees with fresh eyes, wondering which of them had betrayed him. “I need a fucking drink.”

“Sounds good. Let’s get back upstairs. We still got a river of booze to drink and two bodies to dispose of all before the sun comes up.”

Jasper let out a bitter laugh. “Right. See how much shit I have to deal with? This goddamn wedding can’t be over soon enough.”

Back inside the VIP area, the party carried on while Jasper had his soldiers wrap up Brendan and his friend and carry them out. Alcohol flowed freely along with joints of all sizes, and a few other party favors.

“One more day,” I said and clapped Jasper on the shoulder. “Until then, let’s drink more whiskey.”

He grinned. “My favorite kind.”

We drank like we had no worries. We drank and laughed and smiled, told dirty jokes and gave each other shit as food, drinks and blow came around in a never-ending loop.

Hours later, we were all pretty much shit-faced, and the party had started to die out. “Everything good here?”

Maureen dropped down on the seat next to Jasper with a sigh of exhaustion.

“As good as it can be with dead bodies everywhere. Serves the little fucker right, but horrible timing, yeah?”

“Yeah,” I sighed because what else was there to say?

Jasper slid his arm around her shoulder and said, “Don’t worry, Mo. Colby arranged for cleanup. This place will be pristine by morning.”

“No skin off my back,” she said with a casual shrug. “And it is morning, Mr. Ashby.” I noticed Maureen went a little pale and couldn’t keep her gaze off the blood splatter on the door.

“Right. I forgot you’re a tough girl.” Jasper said.

“I’m the tough girl as far as you’re concerned, Ashby.” Her full lips pulled into a grin that made me certain there was something going on between them. “Think I’ll go get this trash picked up. The cleanup crew has more important things to do. Be back soon.”

Jasper nodded. “Need a hand?”

“I wouldn’t say no to having my own personal cleanup man doing my bidding.” Amusement flashed in her turquoise eyes as she sauntered out of the room, Jasper hot on her tail.

Definitely something going on there.

It wasn’t my business, so I didn’t ask. I had enough on my plate. I lit up a cigarette and waited until Colby returned, grabbed a cup of coffee and stepped outside, scanning the parking lot for any remaining threats. The chilly morning air and a couple of cigarettes were more than enough to clear my mind for the drive home.

Chapter Ten


“I better get you another pack of smokes if you plan to go through ’em like that.” Tits shook her head at me and pushed off the side of the gold El Dorado with a smile. “I’ll get you a carton. For the road.”

I nodded, barely hearing her as the nicotine and other poisons worked their way into my bloodstream, giving me relief, even if it wasn’t the kind provided by Roadkill. “Yeah, thanks, Tits.”

She disappeared back into the convenience store, and I lit the tip of my new cigarette with the one that was so low it burned my fingertips. I tilted my head back, gazing up at the unusually starry night. Hell, maybe it wasn’t all that unusual. I hadn’t spent much time outdoors in months, and the peek I did get outside came with a parking lot or dumpster view. Before that, I was too busy helping Father run his underworld empire to pay attention to things as inconsequential as the sky.