Page 74 of To Have and to Hate

I let my head fall back against his chest again and his lips find my neck at the precise moment his middle finger presses inside me. I squeeze my eyes closed and see black stars behind my closed lids.

It’s earth-shattering when he slides his finger out and back in a second time, then a third. God, it feels good to have him touch me this way, to finally know what it feels like. Already, I’m too close. Too certain I’m about to break into pieces.

He wants me to. He encourages it as his mouth moves up my neck to cover my pulse point. He tugs me back harder against him, his breaths hot and heavy. He’s as impatient as I am. He adds a second finger then pumps them in and out again and again, rubbing circles, picking up the pace as my breaths hitch and spill out of me in whimpers. My hand tightens on his forearm as it stretches across my stomach. My other hand winds around the back of his neck, holding him down against me with my fingers gripping his hair.

There’s no need to tell him I’m close. He knows.

I come with a rush of sensation so overpowering it makes me weak. Tingles spread from my toes up my legs. I’m lost in it as it drags on, a firework of sensations dousing me so totally that I don’t realize I’m crying out until Walt’s hand covers my mouth. He laughs gently, enjoying himself.

“You’re going to get us caught.”

My eyes pop open and I freeze, reality racing to catch up to the current moment like a rubber band snapping back into place.

“I’m sorry,” I say, covering my mouth with my hand once he moves his away. I turn to glance up at him, hoping he realizes I mean it. I didn’t come here to cause trouble. I don’t want to make it awkward for him with his employees.

“It’s fine,” he assures me, brushing the hair back from my face. “My assistant can’t hear anything. The doors are thick and the walls are well insulated. I value my privacy.” Then his hand curves around my cheek to lift my chin. His eyes catch on my mouth. “Even still…better safe than sorry.”

He lets go of my waist, and I regain my footing as I glance down. My skirt is askew and the material is still hiked up so that my upper thighs are exposed. Quickly, I shove it back down as Walt leans down to get my panties. He hands them over to me discreetly, but even still, my face is on fire.



“Why won’t you look at me?”

I have no response for that.

“Do you regret what we just did?”


“Then are you embarrassed?” he asks me, bending over a bit to try to catch my gaze.

I don’t let him.




I turn away and tug my panties back on in a rush, nearly ripping them down the middle when they get caught on one of my boots. I’m immediately grateful once they’re covering me again. I right my skirt, fix the bow, and adjust my shirt back into place.

After, I immediately start gathering my things.

“What are you doing?”

“Leaving. Obviously.”

“We have time to eat. My meeting isn’t for another fifteen minutes.”

We didn’t even take the full half hour?! Oh god. Good to know I was that easy.

I’m moving around quickly now, trying to push my chair back to where I found it, but Walt reaches out and grabs the back, keeping it right where it is.

“Sit down. You’re being silly.”

My jaw drops and finally, I look over at him. The man doesn’t look the least bit fazed by what just happened. I know I can’t say the same for myself. I cringe thinking of what I must look like at the moment.

“I’m not being silly. I’m just…”

“Rushing off.”


“Well stop. Sit down and eat. You were shaking a second ago. You could probably use the food.”

I resist the urge to snort. I wasn’t shaking because I was hungry and we both know it.

“I’ll be back in a minute,” he says before he goes into the en-suite bathroom in his office.

My eyes immediately dart to the door and I consider fleeing, but I haven’t made up my mind about it before he walks back out, drying his hands with paper towels.

“I really have to go.”

He’s nearly smiling now. I can tell he’s repressing it for my sake. “Because of what we just did?”


My eyes look anywhere but at him.

“You act like you’ve never done that before.”

“I have!” I say in a rush, not wanting him to think I’ve spent my life inside a nunnery. “It’s just been…a while.”

Also, I don’t think you can compare clumsy college-dorm-room sex to what just occurred in this office with Walt. I just catapulted myself into the big leagues, and I’m not quite sure how I’ll survive now.