Page 16 of To Have and to Hate

A more modest studio apartment in a less desirable location will work just fine.

I reply to Mason’s email immediately, carefully ensuring that Walt is copied on my reply since Mason included him on the first email.

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

CC: [email protected]

TIME: 8:16 AM

Subject: Re: Apartment Search

Thank you for taking the time to send over these apartment listings, Mason. Unfortunately, none of them are within my price range.

Could you remind your boss of my current budget restraints?

Ideally, I’d like to rent an apartment for no more than $1,500/month. Utilities included.

Thanks again,


FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

CC: [email protected]

TIME: 8:18 AM

Subject: Re: Re: Apartment Search

I’ve brought your concerns to the attention of Mr. Jennings and he has confirmed that the listings should be within your price range.

I’m also meant to remind you that you’re responsible for signing and returning the legal documents that were sent to you two days ago by Rupert Hirsch at Hirsch & Dershowitz.


Mason Cunningham

Assistant to Walter Jennings II


Oh screw this. Tired of going through a third party, I decide to email Walt directly and go straight to the source.

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

TIME: 8:19 AM

Subject: Let’s Cut to the Chase

I’m not renting an apartment for that price. I can’t afford it, so would you please just cosign on the apartment we looked at yesterday? Your concerns about it were unfounded and frankly elitist. I’ll have it professionally cleaned before I move in. Surely, that should be enough for you.

Thank you,


FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

CC: [email protected]

TIME: 8:22 AM

Subject: Re: Let’s Cut to the Chase

The monthly disbursement from your trust would more than cover the rent for any of those units Mason sent over. Please inform Mason of your top three choices and he can arrange showings for each.

Also, see the attached peer-reviewed study from the academic journal Science, which outlines how harmful living conditions can lead to poor health outcomes across all socioeconomic statuses.

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

TIME: 8:25 AM

Subject: You’re being ridiculous

I just tried to call you and you didn’t answer. Then I tried Mason and he said you were unable to be reached at the moment.

Please give me a call to discuss this issue when you have a spare minute in your day. I understand you’re busy and I’m not trying to be unreasonable…it’s just that you’ve given me no choice.

Within a minute of me sending that email, my phone rings.

Walt’s name flashes across the screen, and my heart actually skips a beat, which I realize is slightly embarrassing, but it’s not like I can help how anxious he makes me.

After a deep breath and a shake of my head, I grab my phone, swipe across the screen, and say hello.

I immediately hear the road noise in the background.

“Elizabeth, you’ll move into my apartment later this afternoon. Mason can coordinate movers depending on the amount of stuff you need to—”

“What?! Slow down. What are you talking about?”

He clears his throat in annoyance at being cut off. “It’s the only solution I can come up with that appeases us both. You’re hell-bent on finding somewhere to live that fits into an imaginary set of parameters, and I’m tired of dealing with this issue. I won’t budge on the apartment from yesterday either.”

“I’m not moving in with you,” I say with a preposterous laugh.

“My apartment is big enough for the both of us. In fact, I doubt we’d even see each other.”


“What?” he prods.


“More insane than what we’ve already done this week?”

“That’s poor logic.”

He lets loose one of his trademark sighs, then he says my name like a plea.


I press my lips together to keep myself from smiling.

“I don’t want to follow your rules. In fact, I don’t want to follow anyone’s rules. I want to live by myself. Fund my own life. Stand on my own two feet.”

“Right. Well, while that’s admirable, you’ll have to budge on something. Either you move into my apartment for a few days or you accept your disbursement and move into one of the apartments Mason found for you.”

“There’s a third option. I could just stay at my hotel.”

“Yes, and continue draining your bank account for no reason. I thought you were smarter than that.”

I fight the urge to argue with him.

“Why don’t we put a pin in this for now?” he continues, sounding like he’s losing patience. “I’m heading to Washington D.C. for work for a few days. You’ll have the apartment to yourself. We can continue this discussion when I return. Surely, you can’t come up with an argument for that.”

“Fine. But you should know, I’m not purposely trying to be combative. It’s not like I get some sick pleasure out of annoying you.”

“I think we both know that’s a lie.”

I have to bite back a smile.

“Mason will be in contact with you shortly,” he tells me. “Don’t make his job any harder than it already is.”

Then the line goes dead, and I’m left staring down at my phone wondering how the hell I got myself into this mess.