“Can I hold them?” he asks.

“Of course, buddy. Sit on the chair and put a pillow under your arm. I’ll bring one over at a time.”

Owen does as I tell him and eagerly waits. I grab Finn since Luke is being fussy and probably wants to eat.

Once I secure him in Owen’s arms, I stay nearby just in case. I taught him all about holding up the baby’s heads and being very gentle with them. Though he’s eleven, he’s never been around little kids before, so this is all new to him too.

“He’s so cute.” Owen smiles at Finn.

“They look so much like you when you were a baby,” Katie tells him. “I think they have your nose.”

I grin as Owen studies Finn’s face. It’s adorable how excited he is. Though Owen looks a lot like Gabe, he has Katie’s nose, and the twins do too. They aren’t identical, but it might take me a bit to tell them apart until some of their distinct features start to show. I joked around with one of the nurses and asked her to put a black dot on the bottom of Luke’s foot, but Katie wasn’t amused. She assures me we’ll know who is who.

As excited as I am that they’re finally here, I’m also nervous as hell. Being a first-time dad is like nothing I’ve ever experienced, and now the only thing I feel is pure fear. Katie tells me it’s normal, but I feel protective and worrisome all at the same time.

After Luke settles, I switch out the babies so Owen can hold him next. It’s so sweet watching him with them, and I now understand why Katie’s been so emotional about it. I think of Owen as one of my own and seeing him meet his brothers is precious.

“Can I come back tomorrow?” Owen asks when Loretta arrives to pick him up.

“Of course,” Katie tells him. “They just want to keep us a couple more nights, then we’ll all be home together in time for Thanksgiving dinner.”


Belinda and Dianna are pitching in for the holidays this year and making a feast at our house. It’ll be one big get-together to see the babies and stuff our faces with turkey.

I hug Owen goodbye and promise to send pictures to his tablet. Loretta guides him out, and soon, it’s just Katie, me, and the twins.

“Can you believe they’re going to just send us home with two tiny humans?” she teases.

“It was harder to adopt a puppy than to fill out the paperwork for the babies,” I add with a smirk. “The shelter nearly wanted a background check, an annual pay stub, and urine sample.”

Katie snorts, then cringes. “Don’t make me laugh. I’m pretty sure I just peed myself.”

“I think your boobs did too.”

“Lovely. Now you’ll definitely wanna marry me…” She grunts.

“Are you kiddin’? I’ve never wanted you more than right now…”

Katie laughs, pushing me away. “You’re crazy sometimes, but I love you more than anything.”

“Good because I plan to get you down that aisle at that little white church in Magnolia Springs and make you my wife…finally.”

“The little white church my grandparents got married in?”

“It’s ours. I booked it.”

Her eyes fill with tears. “I can’t believe you did that.”

I take her hand and press my lips to her knuckles. “As I’ve been telling you since I was fifteen years old, I’ll do anything for you, Katie.”

* * *


I’m an emotional wreck, both physically and mentally exhausted, yet I can’t sleep. The adrenaline high keeps me awake as I look at the boys sleeping so peacefully. Noah’s passed out on the sofa that’s way too small for him. Even though I told him to go home and get some quality sleep, he’s a stubborn man. I can’t fault him, though, because I love that he’s here with me. Unconditional love is something I never had or felt before Noah came back into my life, and I can’t imagine being without it.

As much as I’m appreciative of the nurse’s around-the-clock help, I’m ready to be home. After a day full of visitors from our friends and family, I want to sleep in my big comfy bed.

I see my phone screen light up and decide to check who’s texting me at one in the morning.

Everleigh: Guess who’s coming to live with me tomorrow!

She’s either sleep texting or drunk. Perhaps both.

Katie: The grim reaper?

Everleigh: No, silly. Archer! My new roomie.

I shake my head at her obnoxiousness.

Katie: I’m surprised you’re so excited about it. Thought having a roommate would put a damper on your random hookups and boy toys.

Everleigh: Nah. He can join in on the fun…

She sends an eggplant emoji.

Katie: Well Happy Birthday, you crazy lady. I hope you’re being safe.

Everleigh: Yes, Mama Bear. I have a DDD. Don’t worry :-)

Katie: You mean a DD?

Everleigh: That’s what I said!