She giggles, and I playfully smack her ass before she grabs her food and takes it to the living room. Though I keep saying it, I can’t believe how far we’ve come. I’ve finally got my girl, and I never imagined we could be this happy and content together.

Loving and being loved by her is the best feeling in the world.

Chapter Nineteen


I wake up with a smile on my face because I’ve been waiting for this day for months. The house I’ve put my blood, sweat, and tears into is finally going to be our permanent home. It really feels like Noah and I have invested so much of ourselves into this, which makes it even better. I’m proud of what it’s become and can already envision raising our little boys under that roof and making plenty of memories.

The past seven months with Noah have been a dream come true. Our journey back to each other started so rocky, and now we’re six months pregnant with twin boys. Noah shared with me some of the conversation he had with Owen last weekend. Though I was nervous to learn Owen brought up Gabe, I was also relieved by his reaction. It warms my heart even more to hear Owen call Noah dad. He beams every time, and I adore how close they’ve become.

“Mm...I love it when you hold me like this.” I snuggle deeper into his arms as we lie in bed.

“I’ll hold you close forever, baby.”

“It’s moving day!” Owen knocks obnoxiously on the door. “I repeat…” he shouts louder. “MOVING DAY!”

I groan. “Thank God his new room will be upstairs.”

He chuckles, bringing his hand to my stomach. “It won’t matter because soon there’ll be three boys, and we’ll be outnumbered.”

“Fuck.” I snort, admiring how sexy he is first thing in the morning.

Noah tilts up my chin and brings his lips to mine. “Glad my morning breath no longer bothers you. In a few months, you’ll be seeing more of me than you’ve ever wanted, and if I don’t scare you away by then…you’re definitely a keeper.”

He arches a brow. “I’ve been smelling your morning breath since freshman year when I’d pick you up every day for school, and you’d ask for a piece of gum.”

My eyes bug out, and I playfully smack his chest. “I brushed my teeth before school!”

“So the gum was for me? Hoping it’d finally be the day I kissed you?” He flashes a cocky smirk.

Pushing against him, I roll to the edge of the bed and, after struggling, finally pull myself up. “I think you were hoping that’s what it meant.”

“Don’t reverse psychology me, woman. You’d ask for a piece of gum every single time I drove you to school. If you brushed beforehand, why’d you need the gum?”

I stand and face him with a scowl. “We’re really having this conversation? I’m close to poppin’ out two of your children, and you want to talk about something that happened fifteen years ago?”

Noah stands, facing me. “As a matter of fact, I do. Especially if I’m right,” he muses.

Rolling my eyes, I grab the clothes I set out the night before. Everything else is packed, minus the bedsheets and blankets we slept on.

“Alright fine,” I say defeatedly, knowing this will make me sound super obsessive. “The first few times were because I was worried I had bad breath because I was going through puberty. My mom had made it very clear I was to wear extra deodorant. After a week or so, it felt special, like you were only buying gum for me, and you looked so excited when you handed me a piece. I didn’t stop asking because I thought you’d think something was wrong, so I just quit drinking orange juice at breakfast. The combination of cinnamon and citrus was horrible, but I liked that you bought gum for me.” I shrug, feeling even stupider now that I’ve admitted it aloud.

Noah closes the space between us and cups my face. “You’re ridiculously adorable.”

I grunt. “I’m starting to realize now why you never asked me out. I was awkward as fuck as a teen.”

“Not anymore awkward than I was, trust me. I was so hung up on you, I stocked up on enough gum to last me years. I bought every flavor I could find. I don’t know, it felt oddly intimate. Like…no one else was allowed to ask me for a piece, and you weren’t allowed to take any from someone else.”

“Wow…we were weird.” I laugh, and Noah does too.

“Young lust…” He shrugs.

“Turned into long-lasting love,” I add.

“Damn straight, woman. Whatever you want, I’ll make sure I’ve got it.” He flashes a wink before crashing his mouth to mine. My arms wrap around him as I pull him tighter. Noah threads his fingers through my hair, and we lose ourselves in each other.