I know he doesn’t understand me, but his sucking slows down, and I smile at him for listening. Luke always acts like he’s starving although he eats every two to three hours. If I ate that much, I’d have a stomachache and throw up too. I have a feeling Luke’s going to be the rebellious one.

“What are you doin’?” Mom walks into the nursery in a haze. “Why are you awake?”

“Finn was hungry…” I shrug, showing her his now empty bottle. “I wanted you to get some sleep.”

“Aw…you sweet, precious boy.” She palms my cheek. “Thank you.”

“I can feed Luke next,” I tell her. “Well, after I burp Finn. He can be stubborn sometimes and take a while.”

Mom chuckles softly. “That’s true. Why don’t I take him, and you can get Luke’s bottle ready?”


She takes Finn, and when I stand, Mom sits in the rocking chair. I make another bottle just as Luke starts to fuss. It wakes up Dad, but I tell him I’ve got it. He smiles and tells me how much he loves me, then thanks me for helping.

Anthony thought I’d be mad once he told me about the night our real dad died, but I could never be mad at the man who stood up for my mom. Noah’s the best dad I could ever ask for.

Once the twins are fed and changed, Mom and I place them back into their bassinets. They’re wrapped up like burritos again, and it makes me laugh.

“You’re going to be the best father someday,” Mom tells me.

I nod with a smile. “Just like Noah.”