“He looks like a sweetie,” Everleigh coos. “I volunteer to dog sit anytime. Sassy would love him.”

Our friends and family are all here at the house to celebrate Owen’s birthday. Tomorrow, he officially turns eleven, and I’ve been an emotional wreck about it. I don’t know where the years have gone.

“Since Mom and Dad won’t name the twins Darth and Vader, maybe I can name him that?” Owen asks, squeezing the furball to his chest.

“He looks too sweet to be called that,” Gemma chimes in.

“Nah, he needs a good rugged name. Like Maverick,” Noah suggests.

“Yeah! Maverick!” Owen exclaims, loving the idea. He brings him over to me.

“Maverick it is.” I pet his little furry head. “Better be a good dog.”

“He will be! I’m gonna train him to do all sorts of tricks.” Owen beams.

“Well, can the first one be how to go potty outside?” I cringe at the wet spot on the floor.

“Uhh…I don’t think that was Maverick,” Gemma says. She holds her stomach, and my eyes lower down her sundress, then to her feet.

We’re all staring in disbelief.

“Uh…did your water just break?” Everleigh squeals. “I knew you were having contractions! You looked miserable all afternoon.”

“Yeah, I think so.” Gemma’s eyes widen in fear. “They weren’t consistent, though, so I thought they were just Braxton Hicks.”

“We gotta get you to the hospital.” Tyler takes her hand.

“Call the doctor first and tell ’em we’re on the way,” Gemma says.

“I can do that,” Belinda interjects. “You guys go, and we’ll follow you. I’ll make sure they know you’re coming.”

Once I manage to stand, I give Gemma a quick hug. “Good luck. I love you.”

“Love you too. I’ll text or call you as soon as I can.”

The party doesn’t end for a few more hours as we anxiously wait to hear from Gemma and Tyler. After they admitted her, it was confirmed she was already five centimeters dilated.

“Won’t it be cool if they have their baby on my birthday?” Owen exclaims as he and Anthony run around with Maverick.

“I wish I could get a puppy,” Anthony says. “I’ve never had one before.”

“You can come and play with Maverick anytime you want!” Owen offers. “Right, Mom?”

“Yes, of course. As long as you don’t track mud in the house.”

“We can take him for walks and teach him how to play fetch!” Owen’s face lights up, and it brings me tons of joy to see him so happy. Noah also got a dog crate, bed, and tons of chew toys. I’m just crossing my fingers he doesn’t chew on the new furniture.

Once the party’s over and Owen’s tucked in for the night with Maverick asleep next to him under the covers, I finally make my way to bed. Noah rubs my shoulders, back, and feet. Though I’m exhausted after the long day, I’m still waiting for an update on Gemma’s progress. I’m dying to find out what the baby is. An hour ago, she was at eight centimeters and high on an epidural.

“Want me to run you a bath?” Noah offers. “I could soap you up real nice…” His taunting voice makes me smile.

“You’re sure takin’ advantage of my hormones, aren’t you?”

“Excuse me, you’re the one who nearly jumped me in the shower this mornin’.”

“Pfft…I can barely walk. I came in to brush my teeth, and you all but caveman carried me in there.”

“Can’t help it if my baby mama is too damn sexy for her own good, and…” He feathers his lips on my neck, shooting a shiver down my spine.

His hands roam my body, and soon, I’m moaning his name as he touches me.

Just as I’m about to scream into a pillow, my phone goes off.

“Ignore it,” he begs.

“I can’t. It’s probably Gemma!” I reach over and see Tyler’s calling on FaceTime. “Oh my God, it’s them.”

Pulling the covers over my chest, I click the screen and smile widely at the precious baby sleeping on Gemma’s chest.

“Oh my goodness,” I whisper-squeal. Gemma looks exhausted but so damn happy.

“It’s a girl,” she announces, and this time, I can’t hold back my excitement.

“Ahhh, I can’t believe it! She’s precious! When can we come visit?”

Though it’s after midnight, and we haven’t slept yet, I’m almost too pumped to wait.

“First thing in the mornin’ if you want,'' Tyler answers. “After we get some sleep, though.”

“Congrats, you guys,” Noah says. “What’s my niece’s name?”

Tyler grins, then looks at Gemma. “You wanna tell them?”

“Scarlett Madelyn,” she announces, and I can see emotions soaring through her.

Scarlett…after their mother.

“Madelyn is after my friend, Maddie,” Tyler explains. “She and Liam named their firstborn after me, so I figure I’d shock the hell out of them and use it for Scarlett’s middle name.”

“I bet she’ll love that,” I say. “It’s a gorgeous name. I love it!”

“I do too,” Noah says. “Owen’s gonna be ecstatic that they’ll share a birthday.”