Please tell everyone that if I don’t email right away that I’m not ignoring them. I’m only allowed thirty minutes for emails and I’ll admit to reading yours first.

Just curious...why were you sleeping with my bunny? :-p


To: Abby

From: Logan

I’m sorry

Date: September 30


I’m so sorry. Mac called Isaiah and Isaiah just told me. I know how much you loved your Grams. I know she loved you, too. He said she passed in her sleep and that Nate was with her.

I hate that you’re in there and I’m out here. I hate that I can’t be with you. I’m holding you, Abby. I know that it’s not the same thing, but I’m holding you.

I love you. Please know I love you,


To: Logan

From: Abby

Re: I’m sorry

Date: September 30

I’m pretending we’re back on the hill watching the stars. I wish I was there and not here.

I miss her.

I miss you.

Maybe I made a mistake.

To: Abby

From: Logan

Re: Clothes

Date: October 1


I’m going to say it again, you didn’t make a mistake. Your Grams would have wanted you to have a decent life. This is your best shot at it. Trust me, Abby—it’s not a mistake.

Rachel bought a black dress and shoes for you. Me, Mac, and Isaiah will meet you at the detention center and they said you can change there before we head to the funeral. They’re only giving us five hours before you have to be back, but we’ll make it work.

I’ll see you soon,


To: Logan