“Hungry?” I ask.

Abby nods as she places Thumper back in his cage. “But I don’t want to eat. Not right now.”

She then leans in and kisses me. “Thank you for my bunny, Logan.”

“You’re welcome.”

Abby stands, offers me her hand, and I let her guide me to her bed. “Did you mean it? Will you take care of Thumper for me? Until I can take care of him myself?”

“Yes.” I ease onto the bed beside Abby and let her hair fall from my fingers. “Does that mean I’ll hear from you again?”

“You bought me a bunny. How can I not call you after that? Kiss me, Logan.”

I hear what she’s saying and I draw an arm around her tugging her closer to me. She needs me to kiss her in a way that we’ll both remember. In a way that will help when the day’s too long and the night’s too dark.

With her body pressed into mine, I can feel her heart beating through her skin. I move until our foreheads touch and she places her hand over my chest as if she also desires to feel how my heart is pounding.

Abby touches me. A brush of her fingers along my arm and my mind enters a haze. One where I’m wrapped up in Abby’s sweet honeysuckle scent. One where every sweep of her fingers creates a slow burn in my blood. One where I’m compelled to hold her tighter and taste her lips.

Together we shed clothes and explore. Never asking for more than the other is willing to give. Only offering the complete emotion in our souls and Abby whispers that she’s only willing to go so far. I understand. Abby’s been further than me, but the physical combined with the emotional is new to her and while we explore our emotions, she wants the chance to take it slow.

Our kisses grow hungrier, our touches consuming.

Awe overtakes me at how perfect she fits underneath me, at how perfect the two of us are together. I kiss and Abby kisses and I become lost.

Our hearts beat harder, our breaths come out faster, and it’s a rush that’s like no other rush I’ve experienced before.

She’s holding me, I’m holding her, and when she opens her eyes and I see the love pouring from her, I know that this can’t be the last time I ever lie beside her. People like Abby and I, we’re once in a lifetime and I’m not going to let this go...not without a fight.


Dressed and feeling so full that I might explode, I finish the queso as Logan tests. Thumper sniffs my hand as I cuddle him on my lap and I almost consider telling Logan what’s going to happen tonight, but then stick to the original plan. Logan’s a risk taker, but I’d bet he’s the type that prefers to be the one in danger. He won’t like my plans, he’ll try to change my mind, and I can’t say that I wouldn’t let him change it.

He’s built this world in his head where somehow my father and his past and how I’m connected will somehow blow over like a quick storm. Maybe it can, but first I have to change the way I’m looked upon by certain puppet masters.

“You think dancing is a wise choice?” Logan asks as he pricks his finger.

“Dancing is always a wise choice.”

“Not what I mean. Going out in public. Is that wise?”

“We’re heading to a sports bar that’s near the frat I sell to. That’s why Rachel can go. They sell more fried cheese sticks than they do beer. It’s small enough that nobody I know will be around. Eric and Ricky might think they have eyes and ears everywhere, but they don’t. I want to have fun before I have to leave. Let me have fun.”

Logan puts his testing stuff back in his bag. “I don’t feel like you’re asking.”

“Since when do I ask for anything? Demanding is the only way to go. If you say it with a smile at least then people will feel good as they perform. Just saying, there’s a reason why Harvard loves me.”

Logan opens the top of the cage. “There’s a lot of people who love you and they’re waiting on us. If you’re bent on doing this, put Thumper away and let’s roll.”

* * *

Rachel and I twirl each other to the rhythm of the music and we both laugh. Heads back, eyes glittering, stomach aching from giggling too much. This is joy. Spending time with my best friend. Our laughter is never mean. Never at anyone else’s expense. It’s because we’re together, because we’re friends, because we’re alive.

She almost died a few months ago in a car accident and, recently, I was shot. We’ve both been given a second chance at life. Both been given this gift of friendship. We’re no longer capable of taking something like this for granted.

Near us, West is dancing with his girlfriend, Haley. The boy definitely has moves as he dances close to his girl. West is all over her and she doesn’t seem to mind. It’s obvious they missed each other after their week apart. It’s even more obvious they are in love.

At the other end of the sports bar, Logan and Isaiah are playing pool. Scratch that, they’re pretending to play pool as they watch the two of us. I blow a kiss in Logan’s direction and his lips tilt up. It’s impossible how much I love him. Impossible to almost believe I might make my dreams with him come true someday.