Hurt pricks at my heart and I shove the little girl with ribbons into the dark recesses of my mind. Some things should never be reborn. I break free from his hand. So much for Ryan’s offer of starting over.

“Don’t let him snow you,” Chris says while running a finger down Lacy’s arm. “Ryan’s a charmer. ”

Noah touches Echo like that. It’s obvious from school that Chris is in love with Lacy.

Some guys touch girls they love. Others touch girls they use. The worst touch girls they hurt. I stare at Chris and consider telling him to go fuck himself. Yet I can’t find the anger. I’m the moron that walked into this situation.

“Don’t let Chris get to you,” Ryan retorts.

“He’s pissed because crap comes out of both ends. ”

Chris gives a hearty laugh. Ryan slings an arm around my shoulder and leads me from the group. Um—no. I may have fallen for the hand-holding before, but I’m not falling for anything else. “Get your arm off of me before I rip it off and beat the shit out of you with it. ”

We’re heading for the bonfire. I feel small underneath his massive arm, like a girl, and such vulnerability makes me uncomfortable.

Instead of letting go, Ryan effortlessly tucks me under his shoulder. “When you kiss guys, do they drop dead from the venom that spews out of your mouth?”

“I wish, because I would have kissed you days ago. I’m not kidding, get the hell off. ”

“No. ”

No? “Do you have a death wish?”

Ryan strides past the bonfire, and panic sweeps through me when he guides me into the thick crowd of people dancing. “You owe me one hour. Remember?”

Rap pounds so loudly from a truck that the ground beneath us vibrates. Around us people dance. Shimmy. Shake. Laugh. They move in hypnotic rhythms. Skin against skin. Body against body.

My stomach heaves and I’m overwhelmed with the urge to vomit. “Screw you. I’m not doing this. ”

Ryan bolts in front of me, stopping my retreat. “How about a deal? One dance and your debt is paid. ”

“I don’t dance. ” True—I don’t. Truer? I’ve never danced with a guy.

He raises a skeptical eyebrow. “You don’t dance?”

“No. ”

The firelight flickers against Ryan’s tan, giving his face a beautiful bronze glow. Gold shines in his hair. He’s gorgeous. Honestly he is, and he wants me to dance. Could this day get any worse?

Ryan steps closer and flashes an all-knowing smile that makes him adorable and me weak. I hate him and I hate myself for wanting him to touch me again.

The music changes from superfast to a bit slower. Its strong beat mimics the frantic pounding in my chest. Ryan rests a hand on my hip and his heat seeps into my skin and creeps into my bloodstream. He lowers his lips to my ear and his breath tickles the nape of my neck.

“Dance with me, Beth. ”

“No. ” I’m definitely learning impaired. I whispered the reply. I might as well have screamed yes. This is a mistake, Beth. A huge, glaring mistake. Just run!

Ryan places his other hand on the small of my back and molds his strong body to mine. I inhale and welcome the scent of warm earth and summer rain. Ryan smells… delicious.

“This works better if you touch me,” he says.

I loosely lay my hands on his shoulders. Sort of like what I saw Echo do once when Noah swept her off the bed to dance. My skin tingles.

Touching Ryan, oh God, it’s too much…too intimate. “I’m only doing this because I owe you. ”

“That’s okay. ” On rhythm, Ryan moves his hips from side to side. His hand slides an inch lower and the gentle pressure he exerts on my thigh stirs my body to sway in time with his.

Our feet never leave the ground, but, I swear, I’m flying.