His arms weave through my attack, placing warm palms against my face. He strokes away the wetness on my cheeks. A wetness I don’t understand. I smack his arms off me. “If you were my friend…if you cared, you’d help me!”

“Goddamn it, Beth, I’m doing this because I love you!”

My heart beats once and stalls as the world becomes horrifyingly still. I see it, in his eyes—the sincerity. I shake my head. “As a friend,” I whisper. “You love me as a friend. ”

We stare at each other. Our chests rising and falling rapidly. “Say it, Isaiah. Tell me you love me as a friend. ” He’s silent and my mind feels like it’s on the verge of fracturing. “Say it!”

I don’t want to deal with this. I don’t have time for this. I step around him. “I’m getting her. ”

“Fuck this,” he hisses as he bends. His shoulder makes contact with my waist and in seconds my head dangles over his back, my feet kicking him. I scream and watch through blurred vision as he creates more distance between me and Mom.

A car door clicks open. Isaiah slides my body from over his shoulder, covers my head, and uses his strength and size to push me into the backseat while keeping me from bolting out of it. The door slams shut and Isaiah has a death grip on my wrist. My head snaps to the left. The other door. It’s locked. I pull at my wrist to gain freedom, to open the other door, but Isaiah retains his hold.

The car whips into reverse and the engine whines when it accelerates.

“What the fuck were you thinking, Beth?”

My eyes widen. Noah leans against the passenger door, one hand on the wheel. He doesn’t even wait for an answer. “Isaiah said you’d come back for your mom, but I thought maybe you’d have enough sense to stay away.

Jesus, at least you’re predictable. Did you think we wouldn’t remember that you’d check the damn bar before you checked out the apartment? Isaiah, remind me to pay Denny extra for calling us so damned fast. ”

Denny. Traitorous asshole. He told Noah and Isaiah I came for Mom.

“How did you get to Louisville?” Isaiah asks in an eerily calm voice.

“Fuck you. ” He told me he loved me. A cold sweat breaks out on my skin and my body begins to tremble. My best friend told me he loved me. And my mom. He forced me to leave my mom.

“Did you convince that Ryan bastard who’s been messing with you to bring you?”

I glance at Isaiah and he swears. I yank at his hold on my wrist. “Get off of me. ”

Anger blazes from Isaiah’s dark eyes and if the anger wasn’t coming from him, it would frighten me. He has the calm anger. The controlled anger. The type that breaks if pressed too hard for too long. “Not until I know you’re done thinking like an idiot and doing stupid things. You could have gotten yourself killed. Trent’s been bragging at the bar for weeks on how he’ll tear you limb from limb if he sees you again. He blames you for the cops coming to his apartment the week after you went to Groveton. He forgets, though, that he has enemies everywhere. ”

I hear the snap inside my head and my entire body flinches. I’ve talked to Isaiah every night and he never mentioned this piece of local gossip. Gossip that would have led me to act faster. If Trent blames me, then he’ll blame Mom, and he already loves hitting her for no reason. Isaiah took me away from Mom and left her there with that asshole.

Isaiah’s hand still holds my wrist and I don’t want a backstabbing Judas touching me.

Pulling my foot off the floorboard, I kick at him, again and again. “Let. Go. Of. Me!”

He releases my arm to shove my foot off him. “What is wrong with you?”

“You left her there to die!”

Isaiah punches the back of Noah’s chair and collapses into the seat. His head falls back and he places his thumb and forefinger over his closed eyes.


The flat and bitter notes of a Nine Inch Nails song play on the radio and I sink into my corner of the car, pulling my legs into my chest. My heart aches with the lyrics. It’s a phrase embedded in my soul, a lyric that talks about people you love and how in the end…they go away.

Isaiah took me away from Mom; he won’t help me save her…. he told me that he loves me. What used to be my best, strongest relationship has become a leaf withering and dying on a decaying vine.

I guess everything in life really does end.


TEN MINUTES AGO, I LEFT PRACTICE and found her gone. While I stood here losing my mind, deciding what to do, Beth was out having fun with her friends. I panicked, wondering if I should call Scott, the police, my dad. I imagined Scott’s grief and thought about how angry my father would be when he learned I lost the niece of our town hero.

Mostly, I worried about Beth. Terrified someone took her. Praying she wasn’t hurt or scared. Now I feel like a fool.