“Has someone hurt you? Physically?”

The dishes. The dishes should go in the dishwasher. I pick them up. “I really need help with Calculus. I want to drop it. ” Why am I telling him this?

Scott takes the dishes from me and I don’t like being empty-handed. He places them on the counter and crosses his arms over his chest. “What happened after I left town? My dad was dead and buried. Did my brother take his place as residing bastard?”

I’m shaking again. It’s either that or we’re having an earthquake. My head jerks back when the reality of what I let happen smacks me head-on like a Mack truck. I’m an idiot. He maneuvered expertly around my walls. “Fuck you. ”

I expect Scott to yell at me or reprimand me.

Instead, he chuckles. “You’re still as stubborn as you were at four. Go get your stuff ready for school. I’ll drive you in today. ”

I hate him. “I’ll take the bus. ”

Scott turns his back to me and loads the dishwasher. “I’m making pancakes tomorrow. ”

“I won’t eat. ”

He laughs again. “Yes, you will. Allison’s making goat cheese–tofu casserole tonight. ”


I PULL MY JEEP into the student lot and park behind Chris’s car. He leans against the bumper while Lacy stands a good three feet away from him near the hood. She holds her books close to her chest and snubs me by angling her body toward the school when I shut off the engine. Not a good sign. I take a deep breath and ready myself. Lacy has a hell of a temper. My ears rang for two days after the last time I ticked her off.

Chris greets me when I open the door.

“She’s pissed at you, dawg. ”

“I can see that. ”

Before I can reach her, Lacy wheels around.

“A dare? You humiliated Beth in gym yesterday over a dare? I’m trying to make friends with her and you and Chris and Logan have made her the target of a dare?”

Dammit all to hell, Chris. “You sang like a little girl with her hand caught in the cookie jar, didn’t you?”

“Sorry,” he says, repentant. “Her tactics are brutal. The Marines could employ her. ”

Lacy rushes between us, her hand waving in the air. “Don’t you laugh this off. You don’t know Beth. You don’t know what life was like for her. You don’t know what type of friend she was to me. You are ruining everything!”

I stare at her, shocked. Tears swim in her eyes. She’s not just angry. She’s upset. “It’s only a dare, Lace. I asked her out. She has the choice to say yes or no. I’m not hurting anyone. ”

“Yes, you are. ” She glances away. “You’re hurting me. ” The girl I consider one of my best friends bolts into school.

“I gotta go after her,” Chris says.

“I know. ” I want him to.

“She’s wrong about this. Don’t worry though, I think she’s PMS-ing. ”

Yeah. Lacy is emotional at times, but a naggi

ng in my gut tells me that she could be right.


Chris and I both turn to see Beth. My heart stops. It’s her. Skater Girl from Taco Bell.

Gone are the trendy clothes. Back is her own style. Skin-hugging black shirt, jeans with holes. All knee-dropping curves. She looks every bit as sexy as she did the first night I met her.