Good. He’s forgiven me. Guilt still eats at me, but at least my stomach muscles relax while the guilt feasts.

“Nice shirt,” he says, and I smile at his playful tone.

“Fuck you. ”

“There’s my girl. I was wondering if they sucked out your personality in first period. ”

“You’re not far off. ” Time is running short.

I’ve lost so much already. I can’t lose him.

“What do we do?”

“What are your uncle’s terms?”

“No running away and no more seeing you or Noah. ” Scott said he wanted me to completely forget my old life. That the only way I’d have a fresh start was to make a clean break and if I wouldn’t willingly amputate the past, then he’d do it for me.

Isaiah grimaces. “And?”

“No ditching school. No being disrespectful to his wife or teachers or people. ”

“You’re screwed. ”

“Fuck you again. ”

“Love you too, Sunshine. ”

I ignore him. “Good grades. No smoking.

No drugs. No drinking. And…no contact with Mom. ”

“Hmm. I agree with the last one. Can you make it happen this time?”

I glare at him. He flips me off. God, he’s aggravating. “No more cursing. Keep curfew. ”

His head pops up. “He’s letting you out?”

“Probably with a GPS stitched under my forehead. I have to clear every second of every outing through him. What are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking you’re a bright girl who could manipulate the devil for a passage out of hell.

You get out of that house and I’ll come get you. Any day. Any time. And I’ll have you safely home by curfew. ”

Hope fills me, yet it’s not enough. I need more than Isaiah. I need something else. I fiddle with the ends of my shirttail. “Will you take me to see my mom?”

He sighs. “No. She’s no good for you. ”

“He’ll kill her. ”

“Let him. She made her choices. ”

I stumble back as if he punched me. “How can you say that?”

The anger returns to his eyes. “How? A few months ago, she let you bleed in front of her.

How could she go back to that bastard? How could she let you take the fall for her? Don’t play the sympathy card on me. No one fucks with you. Do you understand me?”

I nod to placate him, but I’ll find another way. Isaiah’s right. I can play Scott, keep Isaiah, and find a way to take care of Mom.