“Your dad said you’re bent on going pro out of school, but there are a lot of colleges that would die to have a pitcher with your potential.

Especially if you have academic talent. ”

“Thanks. ” I don’t know what else to say.

“Want to tell me what’s going on with you and my niece?”

I freeze. And that is what I call throwing a changeup. Scott loses his easygoing grin and I notice he shares Beth’s eyes. He doesn’t blink either. Time to man up. “I asked her out. ”

Because of a dare. “And she said yes. She said that you’d want to meet me first. ”

“Where are you taking her tonight?”

“To my pitch-coaching lesson, then to wherever she chooses to eat. There’s a…” Taco Bell—I should skip that one. “McDonald’s and an Applebee’s nearby. ”

Scott nods as if he’s processing how to perform brain surgery. “Where are you taking her Friday?”

“Not far. Actually, it’ll border your property and my dad’s. My best friend lives on the other side of you and we invite friends over to hang out. ”

Scott fights amusement and tenses at the same time. “You’re taking my niece to a field party. ”

I swallow.

“I grew up fifteen miles from Groveton,”

says Scott. “I know what a field party is, having attended more than a few myself. ”

Busted. “I thought it would be a good opportunity for her to spend time with my friends. ”

Scott rubs his jawline. “I don’t know. ”

I have to give him more. Lots more. “I like Beth. She’s pretty. ” Yeah, she is. “She’s more than pretty. She’s not like any girl I’ve ever met before. Beth keeps me on the edge. With her, I have no idea what’s coming next and I find that…” Amazing. Thrilling. “Fun. ”

Scott says nothing back and I’m glad. Until I said the words—words I thought I was creating to impress him—I had no idea they were true.

A sexy voice, one I know all too well, causes my stomach to levitate like I’m at the top of a roller coaster, then plummet. Beth heard every word. “You’re kidding. ”

“It’s impolite to eavesdrop. ” Scott keeps his back to her and his eyes glued on me.

“I didn’t say fucking kidding,” she responds.

He inclines his head to the right as if to agree that was a major concession. “When?”

“When what?” I ask.

“When are you picking her up on Friday?”

“Seven. ”

“I want her home by nine tonight. Midnight on Friday. ”

“Yes, sir. ”

Scott turns to Beth. “What are you going to do while he’s practicing?”

“Watch. ”

Scott dips his head in disbelief.