Her eyes wander to my chest and I fight a grimace. Written in black letters across my gray shirt is Bullitt County High School, Baseball State Champions.

“So you are stupid,” she says.

I’m done. I take one step in the direction of the table, then stop. I don’t lose. “What’s your name?”

“What do I have to do to make you leave me alone?”

And there it is—my opening. “Give me your phone number. ”

The right side of her mouth quirks up.

“You’re fucking kidding. ”

“I’m dead serious. Give me your name and phone number and I’ll walk away. ”

“You must be brain damaged. ”

“Welcome to Taco Bell. Can I take your order?”

We both look at Drive-Thru Chick. She beams at me, then cowers from Skater Girl.

With her lids cast down, she asks again, “What can I get you?”

I pull out my wallet and slam ten dollars on the counter. “Tacos. ”

“And a Coke,” Skater Girl says. “Large. Since he’s paying. ”

“Oookaay. ” Drive-Thru Chick enters the order, slides the money off the counter, and returns to the order window.

We stare at each other. I swear, this girl never blinks.

“I believe a thank-you is in order,” I say.

“I never asked you to pay. ”

“Give me your name and phone number and we’ll call it even. ”

She licks her lips. “There is absolutely nothing you can do to ever get me to give you my name or number. ”

Ring the bell. Playtime ended with those words. Purposely invading her space, I steal a step toward her and place a hand on the counter next to her body. It affects her. I can tell. Her eyes lose the amusement and her arms hug her body. She’s small. Smaller than I expected. That attitude is so big I hadn’t noticed her height or size. “I bet I can. ”

She juts out her chin. “Can’t. ”

“Eight tacos and one large Coke,” says the girl from behind the counter.

Skater Girl snatches the order and spins on her heel before I can process I’m on the verge of losing. “Wait!”

She stops at the door. “What?”

This “what” doesn’t have nearly the anger of the one before. Maybe I’m getting somewhere.

“Give me your phone number. I want to call you. ”

No, I don’t, but I do want to win. She’s wavering. I can tell. To keep from scaring her off, I bury my excitement. Nothing sends me higher than winning.

“I’ll tell you what. ” She flashes a smile that drips with a mixture of allure and wickedness.

“If you can walk me to my car and open the door for me, I’ll give you my number. ”