He loved me before, but that didn’t keep her from hating every cell in my body. Not like I helped. “I’m sorry I accused you of trapping him. ”

The curling rod pulls at the roots of my hair and I bite my lip. She releases the hair and little ringlets dance on the back of my neck.

Okay, I deserve the pulling—and the ringlets.

Maybe now we’ll be even.

Allison sets the iron back on her vanity. “I’m sorry…well, I’m sorry. I didn’t want you here. ”

I blink. That was blunt, yet honest.

“Scott told me about his past, but it was easy to pretend it was a story until you came into the picture. I prefer life clean and simple. You made Scott complicated. ”

“Scott was always complicated. ”

Allison spritzes hair spray on me. “I know that now. ”

Scott clears his throat and both Allison and I turn to see him entering the room. I stand and Scott grins when he sees me in the black strapless dress with a skirt that ends at the knees. He frowns again when he sees my hair.

“I did it,” says Allison without a hint of guilt.

Scott’s eyes widen. “You did that?”

“You told her last weekend she could wear those God-awful shoes with her dress and I told you that you’d regret it. ”

I fidget in my official Chuck Taylors. “I’m wearing panty hose. ” That was a major concession on my part.

“You should put on a sweater,” Scott says.

“She’s not wearing a sweater. ” Allison swats at him. “That would look wretched. ”

“I don’t care how she looks. I care how much skin is showing. ”

Allison leans forward and Scott kisses her lips. I glance away. They do this more since I came home from the hospital. Not just kissing, but kissing like they mean it. Kissing because they truly love each other. She steps out of the room and Scott shoves his hands in his pockets.

I resist the urge to scratch my healing temple. “She covered the cut with the makeup. ”

“I noticed. ” He gestures to my left hand.

“How’s it feeling?”

I shrug. “Fine. ” The black cast is temporary.

Trent shattered lots of the bones in my hand, wrist, and arm. I’ll have to have another surgery in two weeks. My nondamaged fingers drum against my leg. I thought I could go without asking, but I can’t. “How did Mom’s court appearance go?”

Mom and Trent had preliminary hearings yesterday. I told Scott that I didn’t want to know what happened, but the curiosity is eating me alive.

“It’s okay to want to know. ” He meets my eyes wh

ile I wrestle with the millions of emotions tugging me in different directions.

I nod and he continues, “She accepted the plea bargain and will be serving six years.

Trent pleaded not guilty against his lawyer’s recommendation. The D. A. thinks they can get him to serve fifteen years. ”

A ball of dread forms in my stomach and I sink back into the chair. “Then there will be a trial. ”

Scott lowers his head. All of us had hoped to avoid this. “Yes. ”