
Ryan sizes Trent up and Trent does the same to him.

“Walk out the door, Beth,” says Ryan. “He’s not going to touch you. ”

Trent laughs. Ryan is sturdy, strong, and young. Trent is larger, older, and a mean bastard. Last year, Isaiah and Noah took him on and the two survived because my uncle threatened Trent with a gun. My uncle isn’t here and I’m not lucky enough to own a gun.

Ryan inches toward me and the door. His eyes never leave Trent. “Let’s go. ”

My pulse pounds in my ears. Maybe we can walk out. “Mom?”

“Don’t you dare move, Sky,” Trent says.

I hold my hand out to her. “Come with us. ”

Ryan yells my name as his arms fly out in front of me. Pain slices my head. The ground rushes toward my face. A combination of darkness and light flickers from behind my closed lids. Noises blend into a high-pitched buzzing as warm liquid trickles from above my eyebrow to the bridge of my nose. I lick my lips and flinch at the salty taste of blood.

My eyelids flutter and I fight to keep them open. The room shifts and spins. Forcing my eyes to focus, I see the shattered remains of Mom’s table lamp on the floor next to me.

The buzzing fades and I turn my head to the sound of a struggle and grunts. Ryan shoves Trent into the front door by tackling him at the waist. Trent quickly responds by punching Ryan in the stomach.

Ceramic cuts into my hand as I crawl toward them. “Stop. ” My voice comes out soft and hoarse. Ryan stumbles but is able to block a hit, then buys himself seconds by socking Trent in the jaw. I force pressure onto my legs so I can stand, but I fall.

Sitting in the fetal position on the other side of the room, Mom rocks back and forth on the floor. I swallow and force words out of my raw throat. “Help Ryan, Mom. ”

“I can’t. ”

“He’s going to kill us!”

Mom lowers her head to her knees and continues to rock.

“Mom!” I scream. “Please!”

Mom hums loudly and my heart breaks open. She’s never going to change. No matter what I do. No matter how I try. My mom will always be this poor pathetic waste of life. I won’t be her. I can’t. I grab on to an overturned chair and force myself to my feet. Trent tackles Ryan and they both go crashing to the floor.

“Leave him alone!”

Trent rises to his knees, punches Ryan in the face and Ryan falls once more. Panic tears at me. He’s going to kill Ryan in front of me. The fucking bastard is going to take away everything I love.

I launch myself at him and smack and hit

and claw. He bends my wrist and arm in a way not physically possible. Bones in my arm snap and pop. A scream tears through my body as pain blinds me.

He lets go and I fall to my knees in agony.

My scream becomes silent as Trent squeezes his fingers around my neck. I gag and try to suck in air. Nothing happens. Thoughts flash through my head at a frenzied pace. I need air.

He’s going to kill me. My hands go to the fingers crushing my throat, but I can’t pry them off.

He’s stronger than me and powerful and he’s going to win.

Trent jerks and his fingers loosen. Ryan holds Trent in a headlock as I collapse to the ground and draw air into my burning lungs.

My hands flutter near my neck and cover where his fingers marked my skin.

“Baby!” Mom’s hand joins mine on my throat. “Are you okay?”

Dazed, I nod.