“Would you care to explain?”

My keys dig into my hand as I try to keep my anger in check. “You went through my room?”

“We’re your parents. We have the right. ”

I survey Dad and he patiently stares at me from the other side of the room. Panic combines with nausea and adrenaline, but I’ll be damned if they see it on my face. How much did they go through? Did they find my plaque from winning the writing competition?

Did they turn on my computer? Did they find my stories? This is exactly how they treated Mark when he first came home from college this summer. Right before he told them he was gay.

“I counted them,” Mom says. “There’s one missing. ”

I’ve never hated my mother before and, right now, I do. “What do you want?”

“Who is the girl?”

“I’m not telling you. ” Not when Mom is going to downgrade Beth to the girl I used a condom with. Mom will take something that was beautiful and twist it into something dirty.

“Is it a girl?” Dad asks.

My grip on the Gatorade tightens. “What is wrong with you?”

Dad pushes away from the door frame with muscles tensed. Mom hops out of her seat and directly into the path of me and Dad. “We heard a rumor yesterday when we went to dinner. I know it has to be untrue because you would never go against our wishes. I would have discussed it with you yesterday, but you were out. I did what I had to do to get some answers. ”

“You wait for me, Mom. You don’t go through my stuff. ”

“Are you dating Beth Risk?” she demands.

“Or is she the girl you’re experimenting with?” asks Dad.

Mom spins. “Andrew!”

“Some girls you date. Others you have sex with. Boys do this. ”

“I’m aware of your behavior in high school,” Mom says. “But my son will not be sleeping with one girl and dating another in public. Gwen deserves better than that. I deserved better than that!”

“Stop it!” I’m tired of the fighting.

“It was one night, Miriam!” Dad yells.

“Twenty-five years ago. ”

I throw the Gatorade in my hand across the room. Glass shatters in the china cabinet and Mom holds her hands over her head. “Do you guys even hear yourselves anymore? Did you even bother listening to Mark? Do you even hear me? I’m not dating Gwen and leave Beth out of this!”

“Ryan!” Dad bellows, but Mom puts her hand up to silence him.

“Ryan,” she says slowly. Her hand plays with the pearls around her neck. “Beth Risk isn’t who you think she is. Gwen grew concerned when you continued to date Beth at school even after we forbade you to see her, so she went to her parents…again. ”

I swear under my breath. Gwen doesn’t even understand the destruction she’s created.

Mom continues, “Don’t be mad at Gwen.

She cares for you and she did the right thing.

See, her father knows the truth about Beth. She didn’t move to New York with Scott all those years ago. Her father went to prison and her mother moved herself and Beth to Louisville.

Gwen’s mother knows the attendance clerk at Beth’s old school in Louisville.

“I’m sorry, Ryan, but sometimes children are destined to become nothing more than their own parents. Beth is a drug user. She’s been arrested and her reputation with boys at her old school…”