I TORE OUT OF CLASS, HITTING the speed dial in record time. My heart stuttered with every ring. Dammit. Pick up. Her beautiful voice filled the line. “It’s me. You know what to do. ”

“You’re killing me, baby. ” I hung up.

I reached my locker, threw my books in and checked voice mail. Isaiah sauntered to the other side of the hallway and leaned against the wall. Beth joined him seconds later, unlit cigarette in hand. “What’s going on?”

“Echo called last period and he missed it. Now he’s pissed,” Isaiah answered.

“No, I’m not,” I snapped. Yes, I was.

Isaiah shrugged while suppressing a smile.

Echo had left a short, lifeless message, “Hey, I guess I’ll try you later. Love you. ”

Dammit, Echo. You gotta give me more than that. Lunch and three more periods. I wasn’t going to survive. “I’m going to grab some food. I’ll see you guys in the cafeteria. ”

“Wait. We’ll come,” Beth called out. “I’ll smoke later. ”

I took nothing with me to the cafeteria, so instead of heading to my table, I went straight for the line. Echo’s little gal pals gathered at their table, oblivious to the fact that somewhere on the other side of the school walls, she was suffering. I did a double take when blue eyes met mine.

Lila typed furiously into her phone before calling out to me, “Noah!” Her entire table froze and stared at her.

“Lila?” Grace asked meekly.

Lila sent Grace a death glare and walked over to me. My opinion of her grew. “Have you talked to Echo?”

“Messages only. What’s going on?”

Lila glanced over my shoulder. I followed her gaze to see Luke staring at us intently. She continued, “I don’t know. She called me last night, but I was out with Stephen. ”

At that exact moment both of our phones chirped to notify us of a text message. We simultaneously pulled them out and I sucked in a breath as I read the message from Echo: I’m across the street.

Thank you, baby, for those four beautiful words. I turned on my heel and mumbled to Lila, “Let’s go. ”

I hesitated when Lila continued to stare at her phone. “She needs me,” she said and her phone chirped again. “But she says it’s okay if I don’t come. ” A war of emotions played over her face. “I have a test next period and …”

“You don’t skip. ”

She smoothed her hair. “Look, she keeps telling me that you’re this great guy. Do you think you could wow me and keep my best friend together until I can take over after school?”

I could do one better. I could take care of her now and after school. “Yeah. ”

“Tell her I love her, okay?” said Lila. “And I’ll be right there as soon as I can. ”

“Yeah. ” This girl really did care about Echo. “I can do that. ”

WITH THE WINDOWS OPEN, ECHO sat in the driver’s side of the gray Honda Civic her father had bought her to replace the Dodge Neon. I slid my car next to hers. As I was about to cut my engine, she turned hers on. She stared at me as I rolled down my window.

“I want to go someplace,” she said, “but I don’t want to go alone. I’m sorry I asked you to skip. ”

I wasn’t sorry. “I’ll drive you anywhere you want to go, baby. ”

I hoped for a smile, but instead she shook her head. Whatever happened yesterday had to be big. “Will you follow me? I kinda need a few more minutes to myself. ”

“Whatever you need. ” Even though I craved to be breathing the same air as her.

“Noah?” she said before I rolled my window up. “Thanks for skipping for me. ” And finally, she smiled. It wasn’t huge or full of joy, but still it was there.

“Anything for you. ”