“Yes,” said the expendable.

“So any instructions I give are not binding. And he hasn’t given you any. So you could set the mice free, give them complete control of the ship, and you wouldn’t be violating any of your programming.”

“That is certainly possible,” said the expendable.

Ram Odin sighed. “I order you to obey all the instructions Rigg Noxon gave you, as if I had given them to you myself.”

“Yes, Ram Odin,” said the expendable.

“Now let me return to Noxon’s original question,” said Ram Odin. “Did the mice alter the ship’s programming, or your programming, so that once I’m away from the ship, you can disobey me?”

“No,” said the expendable.

“Try it again,” said Noxon. “They may not have altered the programs. All they would have to do is invoke a protocol naming them as your successors in command of the ship from the moment you physically leave it.”

“Is that what they did?” Ram Odin asked the expendable.

“If they did, the ship’s computers haven’t informed me of it,” said the expendable.

“Here on the flyer, with the doors sealed,” said Noxon, “is Ram Odin already considered to be away from the ship?”

“Yes,” said the expendable.

“Reconnect me to the ship,” said Ram Odin.

“Yes,” said the expendable.

Connections were reestablished. Doors opened.

“I don’t think you can come with me,” said Noxon.

“Oh, I think I can,” said Ram Odin. “There’s just something I need to do first.” Ram Odin led the way back onto the ship and into the room where the box of mice was sitting.

In their absence, the ship had apparently caused a second copy of the expendable to assemble itself. It was standing beside the box.

“Have you allowed any of the mice to leave the box?” asked Ram Odin.

“Not yet,” said the new expendable. “But those were the orders I was given.”

“Now that I’m back, am I in full command of the ship?” asked Ram Odin.

“Yes,” answered both expendables, and the ship’s computer voice as well.

To the second expendable, Ram Odin said, “Go back and have yourself disassembled and restowed.”

The expendable left the room.

“Ship,” said Ram Odin. “I designate Rigg Noxon as my only successor in the event I’m disabled and can’t command the ship. In the absence of myself and Rigg Noxon, there is no other substitute commander. You will continue to follow my instructions. The mice, individually and collectively, are permanently barred from any command role on this vessel.”

“Yes,” said the ship’s computer.

“And since I know they have reprogrammed you to say that, even though you intend to disobey me, I order you to restore yourself to the condition you were in prior to any alteration the mice made.”

It took two seconds. “Done,” said the ship’s computer.

“Is it really done?” Ram Odin asked the expendable.

“Do you wish the ship to reacquire the data from the ship’s logs that Noxon brought aboard?” asked the expendable.