Umbo jumped to his feet, took Param by the hand, and led her to meet the Golden Man.



Ram awoke with daylight in the room.

He was not groggy; he never awoke to anything but the clearest perceptions of his surroundings. When he was awake, he was awake.

So he knew several things immediately. He was not on board the ship, for there was no such thing as daylight there. This meant that either there had been some kind of accident that aborted the voyage, or the voyage was over, and he was on the new world.

“Welcome to Garden,” said an expendable.

“So the new world has been named?” asked Ram.

“A name perhaps more hopeful than actual, Ram. The atmosphere is still recovering from problems associated with the impact of a group of extraplanetary objects about two hundred years ago. It was a life-extinguishing event, and we were forced to reseed the world from our stock of the flora and fauna of Earth. But as you can see, the sunshine is bright enough now. It is sustaining photosynthesis and plant life is thriving. It is time for the colony to begin.”

Ram got up from the cot where he was lying. “I’m the first to be revived?”

“As planned.”

“Planned?” said Ram. “It was planned that I be awakened immediately after we left Earth orbit. It was planned that I be conscious during the jump. There were decisions I was supposed to make.”

“There were decisions which, if you were needed, you were to be wakened in order to make. But you were not needed, and so you were not wakened.”

“I don’t believe that was supposed to be left to your discretion.”

“If you believe that there is something wrong with our execution of our programming, we will perform diagnostics.”

“No independent auditor? The system is really designed so that if it is failing, it must detect its own failure?”

“If our systems should fail, we would faithfully report the fact. We have no ego-protection that would cause us to deceive you or ourselves. Whereas you are engaged in ego-protection right now. You thought you would be necessary during the voyage, and you now discover that you were not. This makes you feel bad.”

“This makes me feel worried about your functioning, since we will be so dependent upon you during the early years of the colony, until we get new supplies and colonists from later voyages.”

“What you call ‘worry’ is a standard primate response to discovering that you are not in the alpha position. Such anxiety can lead to competitive outbursts like this one, so let me reassure you. First, we have no record of any human being ever dying directly from ego-depletion, though it has been known to cause high-risk behaviors in the effort to replenish the ego. Second, now that you are awake, you are in fact the alpha. We take our instructions from you now, within the limits of our programming.”

“Within the limits of your programming.”

“As I said.”

“And what are those limits?”

“It is not within the limits of my programming for me to inform you of the limits.”

“So I’m alpha except when you tell me that I’m not.”

“Insofar as you are authorized to control us, we are in your control.”

“But my control of you does not include the ability to find out what aspects of your behavior I cannot control.”

“Your ego-depletion seems problematically difficult to assuage.”

Ram thought through the possible results if the expendables decided that his ego-depletion was reaching levels that would make his behavior high-risk. “No,” said Ram. “I was merely trying to find out where things stand. The jump was successful? Without incident?”

“The jump was itself an incident. But it was carried out exactly within the boundaries of physical law. Much was learned from the data collected during the jump.”

“But here we are, safe and sound.” Ram looked around him. “We’re in one of the portable shelters, but I see no indications of life support.”