Given where you are, you may have more need of her information and/or help than I do. But I'd appreciate your help understanding the parts of the message that are opaque to me.
From: LostlboBoy%[email protected]
To: Demosthenes%[email protected]
Re: >blank<
Encrypted using code ********
Decrypted using code ***********
Here's why I keep changing identities. First, they don't have to decrypt the message to get information if they see patterns in our correspondence--it would be useful for them to know the frequency and timing of our correspondence and the length of our messages. Second, they don't have to decrypt the whole message, they only have to guess our encrypt and decrypt codes. Which I bet you have written down somewhere because you don't actually care whether I get killed because you're too lazy to memorize.
Of course I mean that in the nicest possible way, O right honorable Mr. Hegemon.
Here's what Virlomi meant. Obviously she intended that you not be able to understand the message and correspond with her properly unless you talked to me or Suri. That means she doesn't trust you completely. My guess is that if you wrote to her and left a message using the password "not stepstool," she'd know that you hadn't talked to me. (You don't know how tempting it was just to leave you with that guess.)
When we picked her up from that bridge near the Burmese border, she boarded the chopper by stepping on Suriyawong's back as he lay prostrate before her. The password is not stepstool, it's the real name of her stepstool. And she's going to be back at that bridge, which means she's made her way across India to the Burmese border, where she'll be in a position to disrupt Chinese supply of their troops in India--or, conversely, Chinese attempts to move their troops out of India and back into China or Indochina.
Of course she's only going to be at one bridge. But my guess is that she's already setting up guerrilla groups that are getting ready to disrupt traffic on the other roads between Burma and India, with a strong possibility that she's set up something along the Himalayan border as well. I doubt she can seal the borders, but she can slow and harass their passage, tying up troops trying to protect supply lines and making the Chinese less able to mount offensives or keep their troops supplied with ammunition--always a problem for them.
Personally, I think you should tell her not to tip her hand too soon. I may be able to tell you when to post a reply asking her to start in earnest on a particular date. And no, I won't post myself because I am most certainly watched here, and I don't want them to know about her directly. I've already caught two snoopware intrusions on my desk, which cost me twenty minutes each time, scrambling them so they send back false information to the snoops. Encrypted email like this I can send, but messages posted to dead drops can be picked up by snoopware on the local net.
And yes, these are indeed my friends. But they'd be fools not to keep track of what I'm sending out--if they can.
Bean measured himself in the mirror. He still looked like himself, more or less. But he didn't like the way his head was growing. Larger in proportion to his body. Growing faster.
I should be getting smarter, shouldn't I? More brain space and all?
Instead I'm worrying about what will happen when my head gets too big, my skull and brains too heavy for my neck to hold the whole assemblage in a vertical position.
He measured himself against the coat closet, too. Not all that long ago, he had to stand on tiptoe to reach coat hangers. Then it became easy. Now he was reaching a bit downward from shoulder height.
Door frames were not a problem yet. But he was beginning to feel as though he should duck.
Why should his growth be accelerating now? He already hit the puberty rush.
Petra staggered past him, went into the bathroom, and puked up nothing for about five agonizing minutes.
"They should have drugs for that," he told her afterward.
"They do," said Petra. "But nobody knows how they might affect the baby."
"There've been no studies? Impossible."
"No studies on how they might affect your children."
"Anton's Key is just a couple of code spots on the genome."
"Genes often do double and triple duty, or more."
"And the baby probably doesn't even have Anton's Key. And it's not healthy for the baby if you can't keep any food down."
"This won't last forever," said Petra. "And I'll get fed intravenously if I have to. I'm not doing anything to endanger this baby, Bean. Sorry if my puking ruins your appetite for breakfast."
"Nothing ruins my appetite for breakfast," said Bean. "I'm a growing boy."
She retched again.