"But now we'll be watching for the outgoing message."
"Unless they simply kill you as you're boarding the shuttle."
"Then our worries will be over," said Peter. "But I think they won't kill us here, because this agent of theirs is too useful to them--or to Achilles, depending on whose man he is--for them to use him up completely on this operation."
Graff pondered this. "So we watch to see who might be sending the message--"
"And you have agents stationed at the landing point on Earth to see if they can spot a would-be assassin."
"I can do that," said Graff. "One tiny problem, though."
"What's that?" said Peter.
"You can't go."
"Why can't I?" said Peter.
"Because your one-man propaganda campaign is working. The people who read your stuff have drifted more strongly into the anti-China camp. It's still a fairly slight movement, but it's real."
"I can write my essays there," said Peter.
"In danger of being
killed at any moment," said Graff.
"That could happen here, too," said Peter.
"Well--but you yourself said it was unlikely."
"Let's catch the mole who's working your station," said Peter, "and send him home. Meanwhile, we're heading for Earth. It's been great being here, Minister Graff. But we've got to go."
He looked at his mother and father.
"Absolutely," said Father.
"Do you think," said Mother, "that when we get back to Earth we can find a place with little tiny beds like these?" She clung more tightly to Father's arms. "It's made us so much closer as a family."
From: Demosthenes%[email protected]
To: DropBox%[email protected]
Re: *******************
Encrypted using code ********
Decrypted using code ***********
I spend half my memory capacity just holding on to whatever online identity you're using from week to week. Why not rely on encryption? Nobody's broken hyperprime encryption yet.
Here it is, Bean: Those stones in India? Virlomi started it, of course. Got a message from her: >Now you are not in cesspool, can communicate again. Have no email here. Stones are >mine. Back on bridge soon. War in earnest. Post to me only, this site, pickup name >BridgeGirl password not stepstool.
At least I think that's what "stones are mine" means. And what does "password not stepstool" mean? That the password is "not stepstool"? Or that the password is not "stepstool," in which case it's probably not "aardvark," either, but how does that help?
Anyway, I think she's offering to begin war in earnest inside India. She can't possibly have a nationwide network, but then, maybe she doesn't need one. She was certainly enough in tune with the Indian people to get them all piling stones in the road. And now the whole stone wall business has taken off. Lots of skirmishes between angry hungry citizens and Chinese soldiers. Trucks hijacked. Sabotage of Chinese offices proceeding apace. What can she do more than is already happening?