r eyes squarely. “This is Patrick’s birthright. His father was cruel to him. It doesn’t mean that I need to continue that cycle. ”

“I didn’t mean—”

“I know,” he said. “I do it because I wish to do it. And that’s all there is to say. ”

It might have led to an awkward silence, but Liam, after a brief pause, asked Bryn what she thought about replanting the gardens, and she was grateful for a change of subject—so grateful, she even got enthusiastic about bromeliads. After her meal, Bryn walked Mr. French, then headed for work.

On the drive, she called ahead to the office. “Lucy? Hey, girl. I don’t have any appointments, do I?”

“Clear schedule this morning,” Lucy said. “You’ve got that afternoon thing at Pharmadene. ”

“Then I’ll be in the office after lunch. ”

“Please tell me you are off to some romantic rendezvous with hot Mr. Pat. ”

“It’s not a romantic rendezvous,” Bryn said.

“Then tell me you’re not picking up a dead person, because it is way too early for that. ”

Bryn laughed. “See you soon, Luce. ”

“You know Joe’s gonna ask me where you are this morning. ”

“Yes,” she said. “I know. Good luck with that. ”

“Boss! Don’t you hang me out to dry!”

“Tell them I had to meet with a vendor off-site and I’ll be in after lunch. ”

There was a short silence, and then Lucy said, all traces of humor gone, “And will I be lying to him?”

“You know, I think I’m having a bad influence on you,” Bryn said, and cut the connection. Lucy didn’t try to call back, thankfully, and Bryn felt only a little guilty. What Lucy didn’t know would ensure that Joe didn’t decide to helpfully drop in on her meeting this morning with Carl, who was probably nervous enough to bolt if he imagined he saw anyone watching him.

Coffee Jack’s was doing—as usual—brisk business. Doorman Dave saw her parking and got up from his table to swing the door open and hold it for her. “Top of the morning!” he told her with absolutely insane cheer, and gave her a sunny smile. Doorman Dave didn’t work for the shop; he was an elderly African-American man who was just here every morning with a giant cup of coffee and nothing to do. This was his hobby—meeting people, chatting, and…opening doors. He’d been doing it for years.

“Morning, Dave,” she said, and gave him as optimistic a smile as she could. “So, anybody new this morning?”

“Ah, you know, couple of dozen walk-in-and-outs. ” He gave her a surprisingly sharp look. “Are you here to meet the nervous fella?”

“Dave. You know I come here all the time. I’m a regular. ”

“Yeah, but you never asked if there’s anybody new. ” He nodded inside. “Back table, in the corner. He’s drinking unleaded. That’s probably wise, since he’s jumpy as a cat in a dog factory. ”

Bryn glanced at the coffee in Dave’s big hand. “You need a refill?”

“Could do with one,” he said, and his smile, if possible, got even brighter. “You spoil me, Bryn. ” Dave greeted hundreds of people every day, but he remembered every single name. It was amazing, really.

“I’ll order you one up,” she said. “Thanks, Dave. ”

He winked at her and let the door fall shut behind her. She ordered herself a cappuccino and Dave’s regular poison, and chatted for a second with the counter staff (necessary at Coffee Jack’s, which was the most chatty place she’d ever visited) before looking around for Carl.

Just as Dave had said, there was a pale, nervous man in a suit sitting at the back table in the corner, next to the notice board. He was watching her, and took a quick swig from his cup and stood as she came over. “Carl?” she asked. He nodded, and she slid into the seat opposite his. “Good to meet you. ”

He nodded and sat down. He had the look; Bryn would have recognized it even if she hadn’t had the heads-up from Doorman Dave. There was a certain haunted expression in the eyes that she still saw traces of in her own mirror. If Dave still worked at Pharmadene, he was likely one of those lower-level employees who’d gotten his death-and-rebirth courtesy of a corporate memo. Bryn’s murder and Revival hadn’t been pleasant, but at least there had been a point…unlike with these poor bastards, who’d just worked in the wrong cubicle, for the wrong company. And now, like her, were saddled with an addiction that was as onerous as it was terrifying.

“I heard about you from Chandra in the research labs,” he said. “She said you’re…like us. But you don’t work for the company. ”

“That’s right,” Bryn said. She tried the cappuccino, and as usual, it was amazing. “I was what you might call a lab rat. I got the shots before anyone at Pharmadene did. ”