After that, Bryn didn’t stand at the window anymore. She huddled in the corner, back to the view, head down.


By day three—as best she could count it—her muscles were starting to shake, and her skin wasn’t dry any longer. It was moist, but not in a healthy way. And it hurt. Her nerves caught fire and burned, a low boil at first but growing worse with every breath, every min


She had two more days of this, maybe three. Maybe even four.

I am not dying here, she told herself. I’m not.

But she was, with every second, dying a little bit more.

And the expected interrogation didn’t come.

Bryn lost count. It wasn’t sleep so much as unconsciousness that took her the next time; she woke up with livid red marks on her blotched skin where her weight had rested, and the torment of her nerves was like a blowtorch being applied all over her body, without respite or mercy. She couldn’t stop crying.

Walking was better than sitting. She was starting to lose the ability to do it smoothly; it was more of a stumble now, and she trailed her violently shaking fingers over the wall to keep herself upright as she moved around the room, around the room, around the room. People dying and screaming and dying and screaming and she was going insane, she knew she was, and oh, God, it hurt. It wasn’t supposed to be this way.

Patrick had promised. Promised.

She was halfway through her tenth methodical circuit of the room when something … changed. A shift in the room’s pressure, a breeze. Fresh, cool air moving against her skin, stirring her hair.

She sighed and wavered on her feet, then clumsily turned to look.

The door was open, and three masked medical personnel stood there. Maybe Harte was going to show a little mercy. Maybe she was going to end this, after all. Better being cut apart like a chicken than another three or four days of this, and worse.

Bryn tried to walk to them, but her legs gave out, and she fell. Two guards stepped around the medicos and stoically picked her up, dragging her out of the room and down a pristine white hallway. Bryn’s head sagged backward. She watched the lights flicker overhead without any real idea about what was happening, until she was lowered into a chair, her damp, filthy jumpsuit stripped off and replaced with a clean one, and a gowned, masked, and gloved woman gave her a shot.

The needle didn’t feel like a little stick; it felt like impalement on a red-hot iron, and Bryn screamed and cried and tried to pull away. They held her in place. Another shot followed. Then another.

The woman sighed and stripped her mask down. “That’ll do it,” she said. “It’ll take time for her to come back, though. I’m not sure she’s really rational at this point. You’ll have to wait for her cognition to return. ”

Bryn hadn’t seen her come in, but there was another woman in the room now, without the mask or gown. She was wearing a suit. Her name was … was …


“Keep her strapped in, just in case,” Irene Harte said. “I’m going to go check progress on the org charts. I’ll be back to question her in an hour. Be sure not to give her too much; there’s no need to drag this out for another entire week. I need a few hours of lucid interrogation, and then you can put her back in the room until she’s finished. ”

“Yes, ma’am. ” The woman nodded. She was a pretty lady, with shiny black hair bobbed around her jawline and a mobile, kind face.

And she was familiar. Bryn studied her, blinking, trying to force her sluggish brain back to action. The woman started fastening big Velcro restraint straps around her arms and legs, watching Irene Harte as the woman pulled out a cell phone and dialed on her way out of the room.

As soon as the door clicked shut, the woman ripped the restraints open again with furious strength. “Bryn? Bryn, are you with us? Can you understand me?”

Oh. She knew her. Flower, some kind of flower. She was Manny’s girlfriend….

“Pansy,” Bryn murmured. “Pansy Taylor. You shouldn’t be here. ”

“Yeah, no kidding. Nobody should be here. I know it hurts. ” From the appalled look on Pansy’s face, Bryn gathered that she wasn’t looking very good. “You’re going to be all right. I gave you boosters. You’ll feel better soon. ”

“We can’t wait,” the other man said, looking toward the door. He also lowered his mask. His face was pale and set, and she knew him, too. Joe. Joe Fideli.

“You were shot,” Bryn said.

Joe laughed, but it sounded all wrong. He glanced at her, then quickly away, and she saw muscles jumping in his tight jawline. “I checked myself out once Pat told me you’d gone missing. ” He moved his shoulder a little, and winced. “I’m not supposed to be getting in any wrestling matches. Doctor’s orders, so don’t go kicking my ass like you usually do. ” He sounded like the old Joe, but his eyes were haunted and worried. Not for himself, Bryn realized. For her. God, how bad was she?

Worse than she’d thought. The blowtorch of pain was dialing down a little, but when she glanced down at her hands, she saw how discolored they were, how … inhuman.