She was healing. Another half an hour, maybe, and she’d be almost normal again. McCallister would be impressed with the speed of—

McCallister. Bryn remembered in a horrified rush that she hadn’t told Fideli about Harte’s orders … and McCallister wasn’t with them. “Joe? Where is he?” Her voice trembled.

“Pat’s on the run, like us. I’ll get in touch with him and let him know you’re okay. ”

“But he’s alive?”

“Yeah. She sent a team to get him. Didn’t work out so well for them, I understand. Harte sent one of her revived men after him, and Pat sent him back in boxes. ” He slid a credit card blank into the machine and pressed buttons. “He’ll join us when it’s safe. ”

“It’s never going to be safe. Do you know what they were doing in there?”

“Ramping up the program. ” Joe sounded grim. “Harte was getting pressure from the CEO to go to the military with the drug, and he was going to get his way. She had to move if she wanted to keep control. She did, I guess. That place is a death factory. She addicts everybody, and then nobody can cross her. ”

“It’s worse than that,” Bryn said. “They’re going after politicians. Bankers. Leaders of all kinds. She’s out to take over, Joe. Really take over. And she has to be stopped. ”

“Nice idea, babe, but we had a hell of a time shooting our own way out. I don’t think waging a three-person crusade is going to get us anywhere. Four, if we can hook up with Pat. Five, if you count Manny, which I don’t. ” He shook his head. “Best we can do is blow the whistle loud and hard, now that we have you. ”

“Have … me?”

“Without you, we’re paranoid schizophrenics babbling about the zombie apocalypse. With you, maybe we’ve got a fighting chance to have someone believe us. ”

“Is that why you—”

“No,” Joe said. “McCallister was going to come get you himself. He said he promised. It would have been a disaster; no way could he have gotten in without being caught, much less gotten you out. Me and Pansy, we’re not really on their radar. Well, weren’t, until then. I gotta tell you, Pat and I don’t come to blows real often, but we did over this thing. He was damn sure going to get himself killed for you. ” He gave her a long, assessing look. “You do know why, right?” She shook her head, but it was a pro forma lie, and he smiled. “Hey, I’m the last one to point fingers about getting personally involved. I met a girl on a job once. Look how that turned out. ”

“You mean Kylie?”

“Exactly. Being professional will only get you so far, and then you’ve got to be human. ”

Horror flooded her, on the heels of that warm moment. “Joe—your family—”

“They’re safe,” he said. “Pat saw them moved out to a secure location, as soon as he knew this was going south. Nobody’s going to touch my kids, or Kylie. ”

“I’m so sorry. ”

“Yeah, well, it’s going to take a bouquet of roses the size of the frigging Rose Parade to make this up to her, but my wife knew what she was getting when she married me. And the kids think it’s a cool adventure. ” Fideli shrugged. “Which it is, right?”

Unbelievable. “You got shot. ”

“Eh, I’ve been shot for worse causes. And we just rescued you, shot our way out, had a car chase. Plus, there’s this whole coming-back-from-the-dead thing. My kids would be very impressed. ”

“I’m very impressed, too. ”

“Well, it wasn’t a clockwork operation, but it’ll do. At least you’re on the mend. ”

For now. Bryn swallowed again, miserably aware of her own vulnerability. “Joe … I’m going to need another shot,” she said. “And one tomorrow. And one the day after. What exactly are we going to do about that?”

Fideli kept his eyes on the credit card machine. “You want me to lie to you and tell you I’ve got a brilliant plan on that?”

“Would you?”

“Probably not. I’m hoping McCallister does. ”

Pansy slid the door back, jumped in, and slammed it shut, panting from her run. “Done. I put the thing in the bed of a truck with Texas plates. As far as I know, they’ll chase him all the way back to San Antonio,” she said, and took a moment to lay her hand gently on Bryn’s head. “You doing okay?”

“Peachy,” Bryn murmured. “I have a giant hole in my leg, and we were just talking about how much Returné we don’t have. ”

Pansy gave her a slow, delighted smile and said, “You two don’t think I’d let you down, do you?” Even Fideli turned to look at her when she said that, eyebrows raised. Pansy picked up a small box from the floorboard. “Et voilà. ” She opened it.