She wanted him to touch her again, in that shameful, intimate manner, with his mouth on her breast. She wanted… she wanted everything. Everything she couldn’t have.

It had been too long a day. She would sleep, and tomorrow she would figure out a way to deal with… Luca. His real name was Luca. Now that fit him, not the sober Thomas Morgan. He was Luca, a gypsy pirate with the face of an angel and the soul of a devil.

And she was trapped. Trapped by her fascination with him. Trapped by her longing for him. Trapped by her suspicions and doubts.

She couldn’t fix it, not tonight. She couldn’t fix anything.

All she could do was close her eyes and sleep.


BILLY WAS STILL WAITING for him in the library when he came down. He sat in one of the leather chairs, well out of the way of the piles of rescued papers, a glass of whiskey in one huge hand, with another glass waiting for Luca. “You back already?” he chided. “And here I thought you were such a gift to the ladies. If it only takes you that long…”

“Shut up, Billy,” he said wearily, dropping into his chair and reaching for his drink. “I didn’t fuck her.”

“I don’t believe it. You’ve always had a weakness for pretty ones, and I know you well enough to know you’ve been thinking about this girl since the day she arrived. For which I say, God bless, because anything that distracts you from that skinny witch you got yourself engaged to is a good thing.”

“I’ll be getting rid of the skinny witch as soon as I think of a way to do it.” The whiskey had a lovely, soft burn, and he leaned back in his chair. “That was a mistake. I just wish I’d had the sense to realize it weeks ago, before I went to her father.”

“I can give you the answer to that,” said Billy. “Your pretty little housemaid hadn’t appeared on the scene. Once she did, Miss Gwendolyn Haviland was done for.”

“She’s not a housemaid,” Luca said grimly.

“Tell me something I don’t know. Any idea who she is or what she wants from you?” Billy drained his glass of whiskey, then looked up at Luca from beneath shaggy eyebrows.

“I know exactly who she is. Old man Russell’s middle daughter.”

“Maddy Rose herself?” Billy whistled, clearly impressed. “How did you happen to get your hands on her?”

“How did she happen to get her hands on me, more like?” Luca asked. “And how did you know the boat was named after a daughter?”

“I pay attention. So what’s she doing here?” Billy asked, settling in comfortably.

“I don’t know. As far as she’s concerned I haven’t twigged to who she is.”

“Why not? Why not tell her you know and ask her what the hell she’s doing, scrubbing your floors?” Billy reached for the decanter and poured himself another splash.

“I’m enjoying myself.”

“You heartless bastard.” Billy grinned. “You’re like a cat with a mouse.”

“More like a cat with a baby tiger. She’s got claws and she spits. I’m waiting to see how long it takes her to tell me the truth.”


Luca shrugged. “I’m not sure. A sign of trust, maybe. She must know her father thought I was stealing from him. Maybe she thinks I killed him as well. I know his daughters were trying to convince the police he’d been murdered, and she must be snooping around looking for proof.”

“That’s ridiculous! Russell stole his company blind and then died in a stupid accident,” Billy said with a huff.

“Maybe. Or maybe she’s right, and someone else was behind it all. We know that someone wasn’t me, but she doesn’t. I’m waiting for her to ask me.”

“You’re wanting the moon. I think you

should throw her out on her arse. You don’t need the kind of trouble a girl like that brings.”

Luca snorted. “Have you ever known me to run from trouble, Billy?”

The older man laughed. “Not once in all the years I’ve known you. But sooner or later you’re going to wish you’d thought better of things. Though on the other hand that coldhearted bitch you’re marrying isn’t going to like it one tiny bit, so you have my encouragement.”