The fist came first, and it was only Reno’s lightning-fast reflexes that stopped it from landing in the middle of his face. He spun, and it landed on a rib that had already suffered a number of kicks from the night before, and he groaned.

“Christ, Taka, give me a break,” he said, knowing exactly what the problem was. “She…”

He came at him again, but this time Reno was ready for him, ducking in under him, knowing that Taka tended to head for the right. Taka fell back, murder in his eyes. “I’m supposed to tell my wife that my family failed her? I’m not going back to her until I beat the shit out of you.”

“Don’t you think dealing with Ojiisan’s problem might be a higher priority?” Reno shot back, panting.

This time Taka’s fist landed on his chin, a glancing blow since he saw it coming, but as he whirled backward he came up against the wall, and he stayed there, out of breath, glaring at his cousin.

“If I beat you to a bloody pulp, they may leave you alone while I go for help. Consider this a gift,” he said, slamming his fist into his stomach.

Reno doubled over in pain. Taka had learned a new fighting style in the past few years—he was no longer as predictable.

“You don’t…” he said, choking.

“Stop it!” The voice was muffled, the cardboard box thrashing around as Jilly tried to fight her way out from under it. Taka froze, staring, as Jilly finally managed to unbox herself. “I’m okay, Taka

. Reno saved my life. Many times. He wouldn’t do anything to hurt me.”

Taka didn’t move as he took her in. And then he stooped down, picking up a scrap of cloth from the floor. It would take a monk not to recognize the ripped thong, and Taka was no monk.

Added to that, Jilly’s shirt was misbuttoned, she had a very visible love bite on the side of her neck, and she simply had that well-fucked look that was impossible to mistake.

“I’m going to fucking kill you,” Taka said in a quiet voice, leaping on him in a white-hot rage. They both went down, rolling around on the dusty cement floor, flailing at each other. Taka was a little taller, a little stronger, but Reno had more street smarts, and besides, Jilly was watching. Some other time Reno would take the punishment he endured like a man, but not right now.

He shoved his fist into Taka’s gut, getting no more than a muffled grunt in response, and then Taka was pounding him, a lot harder than when they were kids.

Reno kicked up and Taka went flying, landing on his back with Reno following him, grabbing him by the shirt and preparing to slug him. There were more important things to worry about. Like Ojiisan and Hitomi’s ruthless plan. Like Jilly bashing them both with a huge fake Chanel purse so loaded with chains and buckles it could cause permanent damage.

Reno rolled off, lying back on the floor and panting, and Taka just lay there, breathing heavily. Reno was tempted to kick him, but they’d work that out in private.

Taka pulled himself into a sitting position, looking pissed. One of Reno’s fists had landed near his cheekbone, and he was going to have a hell of a black eye in a matter of hours, which at least was more noticeable than the cracked rib Taka had delivered. Reno sat up, as well, hiding his instinctive wince of pain.

“How many times did we warn you to keep your goddamned hands off of Jilly?” Taka demanded in a dangerous voice. “Summer told you she had a crush on you—you knew better than to take advantage.”

He heard Jilly’s swift intake of breath, and he didn’t make the mistake of looking at her. “Things don’t always work out the way you plan, Taka-san.” He went with the honorific name—Taka might hit him again if he went with the more affectionate “chan.” “It was an accident—it’s certainly not going to happen again.”

“How does sleeping with my sister-in-law, the girl you were told to keep away from, constitute an accident?” Taka demanded bitterly. “You tripped over her and your cock accidentally landed inside?”

This time Taka heard Jilly’s involuntary sound of distress, and he turned to look at her, and Reno’s eyes followed, as well. She was pale with shock and pain. “Sorry, Jilly,” Taka said belatedly. “It’s not your fault. Reno nails everyone he can. He knew you were vulnerable and he had orders to keep away from you.”

“Someone had to save her life,” Reno snapped. “You were out of reach and the Committee’s in a mess.”

“That someone didn’t have to screw her senseless,” Taka retorted. “Sorry, Jilly,” he added again.

Reno rose to his feet, wincing slightly. “I think we can put off this argument until later. It’s a moot point—I’d already decided I wasn’t touching her again. We need to concentrate on getting Ojiisan the hell out of here. Along with us.”

“I told you, I couldn’t get anywhere near him. All the approaches are heavily guarded. Where the hell is Kobayashi? Is he in on this? He’s always been devoted to the old man.”

“He’s playing spy for Ojiisan. I don’t know how much Hitomi trusts him—everyone knows Kobayashi would die for Ojiisan.” He reached for his discarded shirt.

Taka frowned. “And where does this Hitomi-san come from? Is he a long-term member of the family? I don’t remember him.” Taka scrambled to his feet, as well, touching the welt on his face carefully.

“He’s from one of the gurentai families—I haven’t been able to find out which one, though I’m guessing it’s the Kuromaku gang. They’ve always been ultra-violent, but most of their membership has been killed off by the Yamaguchi-gumi. They need new kobun, and taking over Ojiisan’s family is a smart move.” Reno allowed himself a furtive glance at Jilly. She’d rebuttoned her shirt correctly, and she’d moved to one corner of the room, sitting cross-legged and remote. Totally emotionless, silent. He could only hope and pray that would last until Taka got her out of here.

“You need to take Jilly to safety,” Reno said. “I’ll stay here and find a way to get to Ojiisan.” He half expected Jilly to argue, but she said nothing.

Taka shook his head. “We can’t handle this on our own, particularly if the old man is being kept prisoner, and I don’t have any place to take her where they can’t find her. She needs to stay with you while I get help. Apparently you’ve saved her life more than once—I can count on you not to let anything happen to her. Just keep your goddamned hands off her.”