“He probably deserved it,” the strange man.

“I was trying to kill him. ”

“Oh, he definitely deserved that,” said the man.

“I can take care of that,” Benedick said in a threatening voice.

She glanced down at Lucien’s impassive face. “It’s tempting,” she said in a thoughtful voice. “But first let me stop the bleeding. ”

“But why bother if Benedick’s just going to kill him?” Brandon demanded.

“You idiot,” Jane said. “She’s not letting Benedick anywhere near him. ”

“I’m calling you out, Rochdale,” her oldest brother snarled. “You may choose your weapons. I know you’re a dead shot, but you’ll find …”

“Oh, go away, Benedick. I’ll let you have him after I finish bandaging him. ” Miranda poked Lucien again, just for good measure, and he muttered “vixen” under his breath.

“I’ll have your bags packed,” her brother suddenly announced. “Our horses need to rest, or otherwise I’d take you out of here immediately. ”

Jane put a gentle hand on the pugnacious brother’s arm. “Let’s leave them for a bit, Benedick,” she said soothingly to her childhood friend. “I’m sure she’s perfectly safe. ”

Benedick made a disgusted noise, but Jane was undeniable, and a moment later all was quiet with their departure.

“Is that the one who was going to marry my sister?” Lucien said after a moment.

“It is. ”

“She’s better off dead,” he said morosely.

She almost wanted to laugh. “He’s a bit high-handed. So are you. ” She took a clean cloth, dipped it in the second bowl of water and finished washing the rest of the blood off, making sure to be as rough as possible.

“Are you going with them?”

She’d found some gauze, and she was busy concentrating on wrapping it around his head. “You’ll likely get blood poisoning or a fever and die a painful, miserable death,” she muttered.

“You can only hope. However, I think with such gentle nursing I’m bound to survive,” he said. He caught her hand, forcing her to look at him. “I’m …”

“Don’t you dare say it. Don’t even try,” she warned him in a fierce voice.

“I’m everything you’ve said I am. A worthless, pig-sucking bastard. You can go if you want. I wouldn’t blame you. ”

She stared at him in furious disbelief. “You stupid, fatheaded, pig-livered, mutton-larded pond scum. I didn’t put up with all this for nothing. Do you love me?”

His pale eyes were like ice. “I love no one. ”

She rolled her eyes. “You can be very tedious, you know that? Do you love me?”

“No. ”

“You don’t want to see me when I get really mad. Do you love me?”

He looked at her warily. “Yes, damn it. ”

“A good thing,” she said. And she bent over to kiss him.

A moment later she was beneath him on the sofa, his bandaged head giving him no trouble whatsoever, as he kissed her, pressing her down into the cushions, and she could feel him growing hard against her.

“You can get an erection less than an hour after I’ve tried to kill you?” she said in disbelief. “Just how perverse are you?”