Damn it all to hell. Apparently his Jane wasn’t the only one bent on rescue. These could only be Lucien’s future brothers-in-law, and future family gatherings were not looking promising.

He was just trying to decide what to do when Jane came down the stairs, looking rumpled and decidedly well-tupped.

“Good God, Jane, what are you doing here?” The youngest of the three who addressed his Jane, his Jane, in a peremptory manner was running a very great risk, until Jane put a calming hand on his arm. He didn’t like that much better but he bided his time, rather than rip the lad’s arm off.

“I imagine the same thing you are, Brandon,” she replied calmly. “Trying to save your sister. Hullo, Benedick, Charles. ”

The other two were staring at her in disbelief. The eldest one pulled himself together. “Surely you’re not out here alone, Janey?” he said, his voice a rumble of disapproval, and Jacob’s irritation spilled into possessive rage. Who was he to call Jane, his Jane, Janey? And to set himself up as protector? He heard a soft, growling noise and realized, to his astonishment, that it had come from his own throat as he pushed away from the bar.

But Jane, his Jane, smiled at him, her dear, sweet face mischievous. “I’m very well taken care of indeed. My dear Benedick, allow me to introduce you to my fiancé, Mr. Jacob Donnelly. Mr. Donnelly, these are Miranda’s brothers and my childhood friends. Benedick, Charles and Brandon Rohan. ”

There was a dead silence as the three surveyed him, knowing from one glance that he wasn’t of their world. Finally the youngest spoke. “Your fiancé, Jane? That’s not Mr. Bore-well!”

“No, it isn

’t, is it?” Jane said in a tranquil voice.

“Well, thank God for that,” the young one said. “Your servant, Mr. Donnelly. ”

“King Donnelly?” the eldest, Benedick, inquired in an icy voice.

“The same. ” Was he going to have to fight these three? Well, at least two of them. The youngest was looking at him with approval.

Lord Benedick was glaring at him. “And why, may I ask …?”

“No, you may not ask,” Jane said with more courage than he’d heard from her before. “We may have grown up like brother and sister but my marriage is none of your business. ”

“I thought you said you were only engaged. ”

“That won’t be for long,” Jacob said quietly. “Do you want to make something of it?”

Benedick appeared more than ready to, when Jane once more intervened. “Stop it, you two. I’m not some bone for you two to fight over. We need to be rescuing Miranda, not arguing. At least, I presume that’s why you’re here. ”

“Lord, Janey, why else would we be at the back end of nowhere?” the middle one demanded, and Jacob decided he really didn’t like strange men, even if they’d grown up with her, calling her Janey. “It’s been more than ten days since she was taken, and I don’t know how long the family can keep it quiet. ”

“There’s no need for you all to go racing up to Ripton Waters,” Jacob said in a calm voice. “Jane and I were headed there ourselves. But I don’t think we’re going to be needed. I expect they’ll be happily married by now and not wanting their honeymoon interrupted. ”

Benedick Rohan cast him a long, speculative look. “Ripton Waters, is it? And how do we get there?”

“Oh, Christ,” his Janey said. “Jacob is right. And I don’t imagine Miranda wants you three great loobies bursting in on them. We could send word …”

Author: Anne Stuart “We’re not going anywhere until we’re certain our sister is all right,” Benedick said, still eyeing Jacob with profound distrust.

There was a reason he’d spent his adult life robbing the peerage. They were a royal pain in his backside. “I can take you to Ripton Waters. I’m the only one around here who knows where the house is. ” He smiled politely. “If you promise to leave them alone once you’ve satisfied yourself that she’s happy. ”

“I find that unlikely. Our sister has a profound distrust of men, for very good reason. She’s hardly likely to relax her guard with someone known as the Scorpion,” Benedick said.

“Will you leave her be if she tells you to?” Jacob said.

Benedick glanced at his brothers for agreement, then nodded. “Agreed. ” He started for the door, turned back and gave them all a peremptory look. “Well? What are we waiting for?”

The quality, Jacob thought wryly. If this was the price he had to pay for Jane, then he’d do it. But he didn’t have to like it.

Jacob sighed, glancing down at Jane. “We’ll be with you in a moment. ”

He waited until they were alone, and then he pulled her to him and kissed her, full on the mouth, not caring if any of the Rohans came storming back into the inn. “She’s all right, you know? Scorpion wouldn’t hurt her. He might come close, but in the end he’s not nearly as bad as he likes to think he is. ”

“I hope you’re right,” she said doubtfully.