Miranda didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. She did both, hauling Jane into her arms and then giving her a shake. “You idiot. It’s bad enough that I made a thorough mess of things. I didn’t want to destroy your life, as well. ”

“We’re best friends,” Jane said with barely a tremor. “And I haven’t noticed that your life has been destroyed. ”

Miranda shook her head, leaning back against the squabs. “It is now. ” Jane was doing her best to look fearless and failing, and Miranda realized it was up to her to calm her fears. “What in heaven’s name made you come here? You sound like you should be home in bed, not chasing after me. And why did you hide in the carriage?”

“I had every intention of marching right up to the front door and demanding to see you,” she said, her voice wobbling slightly. “But at the last minute I panicked and hid in the carriage. You know what a coward I am. As for what made me do it—Brandon. He came hom

e acting like a bear with a sore paw, and I decided it was better to sneak out and see what was keeping you than have him start badgering me. ”

Miranda thought fast. The last thing she wanted to do was bring Jane into this horrific mess she’d brought upon herself. “We need to get you home before we go much farther,” she said, leaning forward to rap on the roof of the coach.

“As long as you come with me. ”

Miranda shook her head. “I’m afraid not. I’m eloping, dearest, and much as I love you, I really don’t want you on my honeymoon. ” She thought she’d done a creditable job of it, but Jane was giving her a peculiar look.

“Miranda, you’ve always been my dearest friend, but you’ve never been a terribly good liar, and it’s a waste of time trying that with me. I know you too well. What in the world is going on?”

“I’m in love. ” She tried not to choke on the vile words. “Surely that comes as no surprise? I’ve been obsessed with the man since he first … rescued me after my accident. ” Her voice sounded strained even to her own ears, and she leaned forward and rapped on the roof again, doing her best to look properly besotted when she was vibrating with anger and pain.

No response, of course. The driver would have orders to ignore her. Miranda sank back against the seat. They were moving swiftly, and in no time they’d be past the limits of town, though in which direction she could only guess.

Jane was looking at her doubtfully. “He said something to you about fighting. ”

Bloody hell, Miranda thought. At that point she’d lost the ability to judge. She had absolutely no idea how terrible Lucien de Malheur was capable of being. If he’d been willing to risk a stranger’s life in a carriage accident, if he would murder her younger brother in cold blood, then there was no guarantee that Jane would be safe anywhere around him.

The safest route was to lie to her, and keep lying. Surely she could manage. “We have a tendency to argue,” she said in brisk tones. “It’s nothing you need to worry about. I’m hardly likely to be abducted twice in one lifetime. Trust me, I want to be with Lucien. I’m simply worried about you. As soon as we stop to change horses we’ll make arrangements for you to travel back to London, none the worse for wear. You shouldn’t be out and about when you’re sick, dearest Jane. I can’t imagine what possessed you to come out after me. ”

Author: Anne Stuart

“Can’t you?” Jane said, sounding absurdly brave.

Miranda sighed. She should have known she’d drag others down with her. She simply had to make sure Jane was left in good hands before they continued onward. “I love you, too. And Lucien will take care of things when we stop. In the meantime we may as well make the best of it. I expect I won’t be visiting London for quite a while, so we need to enjoy our time together. ”

“But, Miranda, my wedding is only three months away! You were to be my maid of honor—now I suppose my matron of honor. We’ll have lots of time then, won’t we?” She was looking worried again.

“Assuming you don’t run off with your brigand in the meantime,” Miranda said in a light, teasing voice.

Jane frowned. “I’m no longer finding the memory quite so delightful. It really was quite shocking of me to enjoy it so, wasn’t it?”

“Quite shocking. And perfectly understandable. Don’t worry, love. Mr. Bothwell never need find out anything about it. You’ll be counting yourself lucky to have made such a close escape. ”

Jane’s small, cold hand slipped into Miranda’s. “Are you certain you know what you’re doing, Miranda?”

“Quite,” she said firmly, squeezing her hand reassuringly. Perhaps practice made perfect in the art of lying.

At least the earl made certain his hostages traveled in style. The coach was magnificent—well sprung, with warm bricks, several magnificent throws, pillows, a basket of food and wine. Poor Jane was feeling more and more miserable, and Miranda would have soon eaten snakes than touched anything provided by her host, so they simply curled up together under the shared blankets and talked, not about the present or the future, but about the past and the happiness of shared childhoods and doting parents. Jane drifted off to sleep first, and slowly, slowly Miranda forced herself to release her fury enough to get some rest herself.

She awoke with a start, a bright light momentarily blinding her, and she realized the coach had come to a stop and someone was standing in the open door of the carriage.

“What have we here?” Lucien’s voice was silken. “Did we pick up an uninvited passenger along the way?”

Miranda could feel the fear that swept through her friend, and she put a protective arm around her. “Lord Rochdale, I believe you are acquainted with my dear friend Jane, are you not?”

“Indeed,” he said gravely, though she could sense the damnable amusement in his voice. “Though I scarcely expected to renew my acquaintance under these circumstances. I’ve bespoken a room and a meal while we change horses—why don’t we continue this conversation by the fire?” He held out a hand to her, and there was a mocking light in his eyes.

To continue any hope of keeping Jane ignorant of the true basis of this marriage, she had no choice but to accept his hand, letting him lift her down onto the ground, bypassing the steps entirely. For a moment she swayed, automatically reaching for Lucien, and then she drew her hand back swiftly, using the carriage for momentary support rather than willingly touch him again.

Unfortunately he was already seeing to Jane, and couldn’t appreciate her cold reaction. And then she stopped thinking about him entirely when she saw the pinched, miserable expression on Jane’s piquant face, and her anger toward the man flared up once more.