He looked at her for a long moment, and she felt his gaze like a touch, running from her dark hair, down her face and slender neck, over her breasts and her waist, down her legs to her feet and then back up again. It was a thorough examination, and if she’d been missish she would have blushed, but she withstood it calmly. And then he smiled.

“Someday,” he murmured, “I’ll tell you about yourself. But this is neither the time nor place. ”

She opened her mouth to speak, when she heard a sudden thump against the wall of the bedroom opposite them, and a frown crossed her companion’s face.

“What was that?”

“A very clumsy mouse,” he grumbled. Another inebriated couple appeared at the end of the hallway, and he glared at them, so swiftly that they practically ran the other way. It happened too quickly for her to replace her mask. She could only hope it was too quickly for them to get a good look at her.

“A mouse?” she said dryly. He must be keeping guard for one of those illicit dalliances he’d talked about, making sure no one walked in on a friend who was in bed with someone else’s wife. But he had no friends, he’d said, no true friends. And he was hardly the type of man to do a favor for an acquaintance.

“A slow, clumsy mouse,” he said, leaning back. “Who needs to hurry up. In the meantime, why don’t you tell me about your family. You have brothers, do you not? Any sisters?”

She shook her head. “Just the three brothers. Benedick, the oldest, is the heir. He and his wife are expecting their second child. Charles is the middle brother, just returned from Italy with his new wife. And there’s my younger brother Brandon, whom I adore. He’s in Yorkshire right now with the rest of my family, but when he returns I’ll introduce you. I think he would love to meet you. I think my entire family would. ”

A faint, cold smile crossed his face. “I imagine they would. ”

She heard a muffled sigh from beyond the thin walls, the low murmur of voices, and she smiled. “Someone is clearly enjoying themselves. Is that why we’re standing guard?”

He blinked. “What makes you think we’re standing guard?”

“A favor for a friend, you said. I imagine you’re making sure no one interferes with his tryst. I’m guessing one party or the other is someone so well-placed that the shock of exposure would topple the government, and therefore for the sake of the kingdom we’re here to make certain no one walks in on them. ”

He was clearly amused. “You think I care about the safety of the kingdom? Not likely, but I suppose that’s as good an explanation as any. If people come in search of an empty bedroom they’ll see us sitting here and head in another direction, making life a great deal simpler. But don’t we have more interesting things to discuss? For instance, why you greeted me with icy reproach? Have I done something to offend you?”

For a long moment she said nothing. And then she met his gaze fearlessly. “You’re playing the game … and I’m well out of it. I can simper and smile and say ‘of course not’ and you’d pursue it and I’d laugh and hide my face behind my fan. But I don’t have to do that anymore. I spent four hours alone in your company ten days ago, having a wonderful time, the best I’ve had since I can remember. We talked about everything, and I thought we became friends. Good friends. And then I heard nothing from you for ten days. I was left to assume that the feelings of friendship were one-sided and I’d been foolishly optimistic, and then you stroll into my life again as if nothing had happened. ”

“I assure you, I don’t stroll,” he said, his voice cool. “So you’re angry that I haven’t paid enough attention to you?”

It sounded so petty. She should have simply lied, as everyone else did. “Yes. ”

He surveyed her for a long moment. “Honesty is a very unsettling trait. It’s not something I’m used to. ”

“I’m sorry. You have many friends, I only have one. I put too much importance on a simple conversation and …”

“Stop it!” he said sharply, his silken voice becoming harsh. He took a deep breath. “I didn’t pursue our acquaintance because I was afraid your family would get wind of it and interfere. And I didn’t want to embark on a friendship that would be terminated abruptly. ”

“But why should my family object to our friendship?”

“My reputation precedes me. I’m afraid I’m quite notorious, and I’m known to have some most unsavory acquaintances. Most families bar me from the door. ”

“My family doesn’t tell me what to do. I live my own life, independently. If we choose to be friends, then they have nothing to say in the matter. ”

“Are you certain?”

“Of course I am. ”

“Then ride with me tomorrow. In full view of everyone. At four in the afternoon, we’ll ride down Rotten Row and give the old biddies something to talk about. ”

“Absolutely. ”

There was an odd look in his pale eyes, one almost of triumph, but at that moment there was a muffled double knock on the wall, and the earl rose, leaning heavily on his cane. “Then that’s settled. May I drive you home?”

Miranda shook her head. “I came with my friend, and I need to find her. ”

“Ah, yes. Miss Pagett with the miserable fiancé. ” He was leading her away from the mysterious room, chatting amiably. “I’m afraid you’re having a very deleterious effect on your friends, Lady Miranda. You’re leading Miss Pagett astray. ”

Miranda flushed. “I tried to stop her. ”