“Alas, I’m afraid that is quite impossible. The rooms in the south wing are being renovated—your sister resides in the only room completed. ”

“She can certainly come and sleep with me here, then. There’s plenty of room. ”

“Indeed, but there are problems with that,” he said softly.

“And those are?”

“Lent is approaching, and it’s carnival time. I’m afraid the Heavenly Host is particularly perverse when it comes to such occasions. Instead of feasting and rioting the weeks before Lent like most good Christians, we tend to choose the time of fasting and repentance for our time to indulge in the pleasures of the flesh. Gluttony, lust, sloth, all some of our favorite activities. I would think you’d prefer your sister not be near while such things are going on. ”

“I could stay with her. ”

“Her room is too small. Besides, that wouldn’t sui

t me. ”

She froze. “Why not?”

“Because I wish to have you closer, my pet. I’ve told you before, your sister doesn’t interest me. You do. Unfortunately for you, I thought I might hold her hostage. ”

For a moment Elinor was unable to breathe. “Hostage for what?” she finally said evenly. “You know we have no money. ”

“Hostage for your good behavior. Or your bad behavior, if you want to be specific. As long as you do what I wish, your sister will be safe and protected like the beautiful English virgin she is. ”

She felt hot and cold at the same time. She couldn’t see him clearly—the shadows seemed to flow around him. “Permit me to clarify this, Lord Rohan,” she said in her most practical voice. “My sister will be safe and well cared for if I get in your bed?”

He laughed. “Acquit me of being quite so gauche, child. I have innumerable women to satisfy my carnal urges. ”

The ice vanished and she was hot, hot with shame. Of course he didn’t want her. How foolish could she be? “Then what do you want from me?” Her voice showed nothing of her raging inner torment.

“You manage to keep me from being bored. That’s far more valuable than what’s between your legs. ”

She made a hissing sound at his deliberately shocking words, and once more she could see his smile. “You see,” he said, “that’s just the sort of thing I find so enchanting. ”

“You could find any young lady to shock, my lord. ”

“But you’re not missish. You’re not even a virgin. You’re quite an original, my dear Elinor. A prim-and-proper, starched-up young woman of impeccable morals who nonetheless has already relinquished her maidenhood. I’m counting on you to tell me all about it. ”

“Over my dead body. ”

“No, my sweet. Over your sister’s virginity. ”

She stared at him through the shadows. “You wouldn’t! Even you aren’t that depraved. ”

Author: Anne Stuart

“Oh, precious, I am absolutely that depraved, and more. But in fact I would give the task of deflowering the fair Lydia to Charles Reading, who seems to be oddly enamored of your sister. ”

She couldn’t help it, the tiny sound of distress that bubbled up from inside her.

“I beg your pardon, my precious? Did you say something?” he said with exquisite courtesy. She didn’t—couldn’t—answer, and he continued smoothly. “Unfortunately, Charles seems infatuated with your sister, though he denies it. It can go nowhere. He needs to marry a rich woman, and your sister won’t do, and he knows it. He’s got a disturbing streak of decency, but I know he won’t be able to resist if I offer her. I’m afraid she’ll be ruined. ”

“I’ll warn Lydia. She’s no fool. ”

“Indeed, she’s smarter and more resilient than I gave her credit for. But you won’t warn her. You won’t be going anywhere near her until we come to an agreement. ” There was a sudden flare of light as he lit a taper, and she could see his face then, beautiful, brutal, a fallen angel reigning in hell.

“I have a cousin—” she began.

“Marcus Harriman will be of no use to you. My lawyers will ensure it. ”