“This house is massive—I’m on another floor and in another wing. I’m certain they’ll have no objection to my joining you here. ” She was certain of no such thing. She was certain of nothing at the moment, and the lack of control was making her mad.

She prepared to rise, dreading the pain. “I’ll go speak to our host. Perhaps he’s already made arrangements—he could hardly want two properly brought-up young females in his household when he’s about to commence on a…” She let her voice trail off.

“About to commence what?”

“Something neither of us need to know about. ”

“You know, for the King of Hell he’s quite charming. ”

“No,” she said flatly.

“No, what? I’ve told you, he has absolutely no interest in me. I’m not naive. I know when someone has lustful thoughts about me. Lord Rohan treats me like his

sister. ”

Now it was ice forming in the pit of her stomach, freezing away the panic. “How many times have you seen him?”

“Just twice, dearest. Once at the house, and then this morning. He told me about Nanny and he was very kind. ”

“Ha,” Elinor said. “The King of Hell doesn’t know what kindness means. He was doubtless being ironic. ”

“Perhaps he was. You certainly seem to know him better. All I know is he calmed me down, expressed his sympathy and made certain I was well taken care of. ”

“He’s good at that,” Elinor grumbled.

Lydia said nothing, looking at her sister for a long moment. “You might consider looking at the truth,” she said.

“What truth?” Elinor said, alarmed.

“You are far from uninterested in the man. If I didn’t know you so well I would say you’ve fallen in love with the King of Hell. But that’s impossible. You’re much too levelheaded, when such a thing would lead to disaster. ” She peered more closely at her sister. “Aren’t you?”

“Absolutely,” Elinor said truthfully. “The very notion horrifies me. He’s a man who likes to play games, and on occasion his malicious interest alights on me. Particularly since I do my best not to let him win. But trust me, there is nothing I would like better than to get as far away from him as I possibly could. ”

“Indeed,” Lydia said, watching her. And then she shook her head. “I believe you. He’s a fascinating man, but you’re not interested in fascinating men, are you? You want someone strong and stable. I’ll give you Etienne,” she offered.

Elinor laughed. “In fact, he was sent for me in the first place. Rohan thought I should be married. But Etienne took one look at you and forgot Rohan’s games. ”

Author: Anne Stuart

“He was trying to arrange a marriage for you? But why?”

She wasn’t going to tell her sister the truth, particularly when truth was a subjective matter in the House of Rohan. “If I were comfortably married, he would no longer have to waste his time on charity. ”

“But he doesn’t have to now. We have no claim on him. And do not tell me that the founder of the notorious Heavenly Host is a charitable man. I suspect he has a reason for everything he does. ”

Elinor rose to her feet, refusing to wince. The only way to avoid this turn of conversation was to leave. Besides, she was going to have to face Rohan sooner or later. She might as well get it over with.

“If he has any reasons, I doubt he’ll share them, my love. I’ll go speak to him. I’m certain that at the very least I can have my room moved closer to yours. ”

“That would be a comfort. ” Lydia rose as well, pressing a kiss on Elinor’s cheek. “Don’t worry about facing him. You’re more than a match for the most devilish of gentlemen. ”

Elinor managed a calm smile. She opened the door and stepped out into the cool hallway, to see her maid waiting. Accompanied by an immense footman—taller and broader than anyone she’d ever seen.

“Are you ready, mademoiselle?” he said.

“Ready for what?”

“To return to your rooms,” Jeanne-Louise said.