It was never his nature to let an opportunity slide by. “It was my pleasure, Miss Lydia,” he said in his most flattering tones, relieved that he remembered her name. “The sight of your beauty is reward enough. ”

Her older sister reacted exactly as he wanted her to, stiffening. If he were younger and more foolish, her dragonlike protection would have ensured his eventual debauchery of the pretty little thing, but at this point it just seemed too tiresome. Besides, he had the impression that Reading wouldn’t like it.

“Miss Harriman, your servant,” he said, giving her a bow of such extravagant proportions that she’d know she was being mocked.

But she’d already turned back to her sister, and his gesture was wasted.

He waited until they were back out in the narrow alley that held the tumbledown house. His carriage was only a few steps away—she’d lied about the difficulty in getting there. His blue silk shoes were quite ruined by the snow and the filth in the street. “Quite the interesting family, are they not?”

Reading frowned. “I think you should keep your hands off her, Francis. There are more than enough women at the château to occupy your time. ”

“But I’m not going back to the château. My honored guests will doubtless notice I’m gone, but it won’t make much impression on them. This was only a casual weekend—we still have the Spring Revels to plan. Besides, I find her oddly enchanting. ”

Reading was obviously not happy with him, a curious event in itself. “She has a hard enough lot. The place was freezing, and if they had firewood hidden somewhere I’d be very much surprised. And while she’s pleasantly shaped I suspect she doesn’t get much to eat. I think the best thing you could do is arrange a marriage for her. ”

Francis turned to look at his old friend. “Charles, there are times when you astonish me with your perspicacity. That is exactly what I should do. The only problem is finding a willing partner. ”

“Don’t be ridiculous. She’s exquisite. Any man would be honored to have her. ”

They’d reached the carriage, and Francis paused as he was about to ascend the steps. “Dear boy, I believe we’re talking at cross-purposes. Is it Miss Lydia you’re protecting so fiercely?”

“Of course. Are you going to tell me you don’t have designs on her? She’s an absolute diamond and you know it. ” He was sounding particularly glum.

“I fancy the diamond’s sister,” Francis said, half amazed at the truth of his words. “Though you’re absolutely right, she’ll be much easier to handle if she’s married. I think my cousin should do nicely. ”

He climbed into the carriage, and Reading followed him. “You mean the doctor?”

“Who better?” He settled himself on the leather seat, draping his long coats around him with great care. “He needs a wife to help him with his practice, and she needs a doctor to attend to her mother. I’ll send him over this afternoon. ”

“Is this the sour young man I met? As I recall he’s not too happy you have the title. Is he likely to want to do you any favors?”

“It’s true,” Francis said, picking a speck of dirt from his sleeve. This area of the city was truly atrocious, but as yet there was nothing he could do about it. “He thinks the French title should belong to him. Unfortunately he was born on the wrong side of the blanket, and the old title had to devolve onto an émigré Englishman. I’ve been more than generous with the boy, and he’s wise enough to know that following my wishes is the best way to get his hands on at least some of the family estate, if I don’t work through it first. ”

“You have more money than God, Francis. It would take a superhuman effort to lose all your money, and even you couldn’t accomplish it. ”

Francis gave Reading his seraphic smile. “Don’t doubt me, dear boy. I can do anything I want if I set my mind to it. ”

Reading’s reluctant laugh was encouraging. “That I don’t doubt. I stand corrected. What say we return to the party after all? The Spring Revels won’t be for another few weeks, and I see a long dull period stretching in front of us. ”

“I have every intention of entertaining myself, Reading. You should know me well enough to realize that celibacy is no more for the likes of me than monogamy. And I’ve decided to celebrate Lent this year on a grand scale. ”

“Oh, bloody Christ,” Reading said.

“Precisely. And I’m going to have Miss Harriman to entertain me. ”

“You don’t think your cousin Etienne will have something to say about that? Presuming you manage to marry her off?”

“No. He’d give me his own sister if I asked for her. In fact, I’d offer his sister to you, but she’s alarmingly fat and fecund. And you don’t want any offspring until you’ve bagged your heiress. ”

Reading’s sardonic smile tugged at his scarred face. “Indeed. But what makes you think that the dragon will lift her skirts for you once she’s married? She’s the frighteningly respectable sort. Why would you suppose she’d succumb to your evil machinations?”

“They always do, dear boy. And Miss Harriman…” He paused. “Good heavens. ”

A moment later there was a loud crack from outside the carriage. “That’s something I don’t hear from you very often,” Reading said. “Good heavens, what? You have the strangest look on your face. ”

Francis glanced down at the fine blue satin of his coat. “First my shoes are ruined and now this,” he said in a faint voice. “I’m afraid we’re going to have to see my cousin sooner rather than later. ”
