She didn't move, her head and shoulders bowed.

"Look at me!" he snapped, and she jerked her head up. Her eyes were no longer a dull brown, they were blazing with rage. "That's better," he said in his coolest voice, the one his mistress once complained could freeze hell. "Do you understand what Sir Wesley is asking of you? What we're asking of you?"

"A-all of you?" she stammered.

He glanced back at Wesley. "No, not all. One of us. We're asking you to offer up your virginity in return for financial security and a swift trip home. "

"A few short hours," Wesley broke in eagerly. "No restraints, no whips. Just coitus. "

"Penetration and the breaking of your maidenhead," Alistair continued. "With an audience. "

He wouldn't have thought she could turn any paler. She looked up at him with such hatred in her eyes that he was taken aback. What had he ever done to hurt her that she would despise him so? It was Marblethorpe who had lured her here under false pretenses.

And then the animation left her eyes. "Yes," she said in a voice so low he couldn't believe he'd heard it.

"Louder, Miss Strong. We need everyone to hear your assent. " His voice was like a lash, trying to sting her. He was furious, and he couldn't imagine why. Despoiling a willing virgin as part of their silly gathering was harmless. He was a firm believer that any excess was permissible so long as those involved were in agreement, and when Marblethorpe had proposed the notion of the ritual breaking of a hymen, he'd found the idea vaguely erotic. Still did, if he looked at Miss Kathleen Strong, though he wasn't sure he'd like an audience for it.

"I said I agree," she said in a stronger voice. "On one condition. "

"Name it," Marblethorpe said eagerly, but she didn't look away from Alistair.

"That the man chosen isn't you. "

It shocked Alistair, when he thought he was past being surprised by anything. And then he laughed. "It shall be as you wish, though I do need to tell you that you

're rejecting a true master of the erotic arts. Be that as it may, how shall we decide who gets this particular treasure?" His voice was sarcastic, almost cruel, surprising himself. Had the wretched creature actually offended him? Apparently she had.

"I found her, I should get her," Marblethorpe said eagerly.

"Not fair!" Jasper protested. "I say we wager for it. "

"Then do so," Alistair said in a bored voice. "Take your prize and go away. I'm in need of a nap if I'm going to be up for a certifiable orgy tonight. "

"Tonight?" the woman whispered.

He glanced down at her. "Tonight. Don't worry, Miss Strong. The sooner it's done the sooner it's over, and you can be on your way back to England and forget this ever happened. "

She said nothing, and he turned his back on her, washing his hands of the whole tedious situation. He'd done his best for the wretched creature, God knew why, when he himself had the irrational urge to bed her. An hour ago, after a vigorous night, he thought he'd never want sex again.

But he did. With her. And he didn't want anyone else to have her, which was ridiculous. He'd always shared his lovers. The whole situation made no sense.

"You can see yourselves out," he said. And he walked away from them, closing the door behind him.

Kathleen heard them talking. He was gone, and her last bit of strength left her.

"What's wrong with Rohan?" one man said. "He hasn't changed his mind about all this, has he? It isn't like him. "

"Of course not," another man said. "He's been setting a prodigious example for all of us in his drinking and wenching. I imagine he's worn out. I'm just demmed sorry he's not going to have the virgin--I would have liked to observe his technique. I'm betting he could have made her climax. "

"I'm certain any of us are capable of doing the deed," Marblethorpe said. "Come, let's go to my place and play cards for her. Or shall we use the dice?"

"What will we do about her in the meantime?"

Oh, please God, feed me, she thought wearily.

"Leave her here. We'll be gathering here tonight anyway and if we take her with us we might misplace her. Alistair won't touch her, rules and all that. "

Author: Anne Stuart "An excellent idea. I'll have Marcello keep an eye on her, make sure she doesn't bolt. "