Never Been Kissed


Mia: I know! She’s a reporter AND a high school student!!! She should have to play a high school student in EVERY MOVIE SHE’S IN.

5 out of 5 gold Drews

Home Fries

Tina: I don’t remember this movie except that she had curly hair.

Mia: Wasn’t she pregnant or something? Tina: So the curls definitely weren’t a perm. Because that could hurt the baby.

Mia: The curls were cute, so let’s give it a high score.

4 out of 5 gold Drews

Donnie Darko

Tina: Wait—Drew was in this movie?

Mia: I totally don’t remember her. All I remember was Jake.

Tina: I know. He was so hot in this.

Mia: Let’s give it a high score for Jake.

Tina: Totally. And my parents won’t let me see Brokeback or Jarhead.

5 out of 5 gold Drews

Ever After

Tina: Best movie ever.

Mia: Agreed. When she carries the prince—

Tina: Shut up!!! I LOVE THAT PART!!!!

Mia: Just—

Tina:—breathe! EEEEE!

5,000,000 out of 5 gold Drews

The Wedding Singer

Tina: Drew looks so cute in her waitress outfit.

Mia: I know! And when he sings that bad song—Tina:—

she’s still nice to him.

5 out of 5 gold Drews

Bad Girls

Tina: This movie is so bad it’s kind of good.