By having sex tonight, instead of waiting until prom night, we will avoid being a cliché, like couples in teen movies.


The fact that I am not yet eighteen could lead to legal complications for Michael down the road. Although I’m sure my dad wouldn’t want the tabloids finding out about something like that.


Lilly’s Done It already. At least I think so. And it doesn’t seem to have done her and J.P. any harm.


I don’t actually know this for sure.


By giving each other the Precious Gift of our virginity, we will be forging an emotional and spiritual bond with each other that we will never have with anyone else in our lives, even if the unthinkable should happen and we someday part ways.


I can’t think of a con to that one.

Oh whatever. We’re so Doing It.

I’m so going to throw up.


Homeroom: n/a

Intro to Creative Writing: Some idiotic thing I can’t remember

English: 1,000 words on Raise High the Roof Beams, Carpenters

French: More décrire un soir amusant avec les amis

G & T: n/a

PE: n/a

Chemistry: Who knows?

Precalculus: Who cares?

Only six more hours until Michael and I Do It!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 9, the Four Seasons

It’s getting harder and harder to find Grandmère for my princess lessons these days. We finally tracked her down in the penthouse of the Four Seasons, but when I walked in, it was bedlam, as usual.

“These curtains are unacceptable,” Grandmère was saying to a man in a business suit whose gold nametag read Jonathan Greer.

“I’ll have them replaced immediately, madam,” Jonathan Greer said.

Grandmère looked kind of surprised that he wasn’t arguing. She said, “A floral print. NOT stripes.”

“Absolutely, madam,” Jonathan Greer said. “They’ll be replaced with floral patterned curtains at once.”

Grandmère gave him a startled look. She was clearly used to more resistance from the hotel concierges she’s been dealing with lately.