What???? Lilly wasn’t mean to me!!!

Mia, she equated your breaking up with Michael for lying to you with fundamentalist judges in Iran who order adulterous women to be stoned to death.

Oh, THAT. But that’s just Lilly being…LILLY. I mean, that’s just how she is.

Well, that’s not someone I want to be with. That shows a lack of compassion I frankly find unforgivable.

Wait…so you’re saying you broke up with Lilly because of ME???

Well…partly. Yes.

Oh, great. This is just GREAT. Like things aren’t going badly enough. Now I also have to shoulder the burden of responsibility for Lilly’s broken heart?

J.P., that’s just how Lilly IS. I’m USED to it. It doesn’t bother me.

But it SHOULD bother you. You deserve to be treated better. I think you let people treat you badly too often. You dism

iss it as “that’s just how that person is.” But that doesn’t make their behavior right, Mia. That’s why I think your taking a stand against Michael for what he did is a real step forward for you.

What is he TALKING about?

I don’t let people treat me badly! I totally broke Lana’s cell phone that one time…well, you weren’t there. But I did.

I’m not saying you NEVER stick up for yourself. I’m just saying it seems to take a lot to finally get a rise out of you. You tend to think the best of people—like Kenny, and his blatant attempt to lure you into his clutches when you’ve been single less than 24 hours.


I told you! Kenny only thinks of me as a friend!

Right. You go right on telling yourself that. I’m just glad you finally stuck up for yourself where Michael is concerned. I like Michael, but it was wrong of him to lie to you about his sexual history. I think honesty is the most important thing in a relationship. And if Michael couldn’t be honest with you about something as basic as who he has been with before you, what chance did you two really have at anything long-term?

Wow! FINALLY someone who gets it! Maybe J.P. isn’t that bad after all. I mean, it’s true he dumped Lilly—and at SCHOOL, of all places.

But he seems to really have his priorities straight.

I just hope that you and I can still be friends. I wouldn’t want you to hold my breaking up with Lilly against me. I would hate for that to affect OUR friendship. Because I do consider you a close friend, Mia…one of the best I’ve ever had.

Oh my gosh! That is so sweet!

Thanks, J.P.! I think of you that way, as well. I can’t tell you how much it means to me that you’re on my side in all of this, and not Michael’s. So many boys WOULD take his side, I think. They just don’t seem to understand that your virginity is the most precious gift you have to give to your one true love. If you waste it on someone you don’t even care about, then you have nothing to give the person you DO care about when the time comes.

Exactly. That’s why I’ve hung on to mine.

!!!! J.P. is a virgin!!!!!

Wow. He and I really DO have a lot in common.

Also…this means that Tina is wrong: He and Lilly never Did It!!!!!!!!!!

I’m not going to tell Lilly I know the truth, though. She’s had enough disappointments for one day. I’ll let her have the fun of stringing me along for a bit longer. It’s the least I can do, considering it’s MY fault she and J.P. broke up.

I just really hope she never realizes this.

Friday, September 10, Precalc

Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. Did what just happened really happen? Or did I just imagine it?

It CAN’T have happened. Because it’s too weird to actually have taken place.