
“I know you’re still emotionally scarred by what my sister did at your last party,” Michael said. “But maybe you should give her another chance. After all, she seems totally crazy about J. P. I highly doubt she’s going to cheat on him in a closet with a Tibetan busboy.”

“I think Jangbu was Nepalese,” I said.

“Whatever. The point is, Mia, your sweet sixteen should be a birthday you’ll remember for all time. It should be special. Don’t let Lilly—or your grandmother—dictate how you celebrate it. But DO celebrate it.”

“Thanks, Michael,” I said, feeling truly moved by his words. He is so wise sometimes.

“And if you change your mind about the sex thing,” he joked, “call me.”

And other times, so not.

Friday, April 30, G&T

I think I finally get it. What’s going on with Lilly and this My Super Royal Sweet Sixteen thing, I mean.

I figured it out when Lilly looked up from the issue of The ’Zine—the school literary magazine—she is currently working on, and said, in an effort to get me to change my mind about the birthday thing, “It may be the only way some of us are ever going to get on MTV!”

And then it all became clear. Why it is that Lilly is so adamant about my letting Grandmère go ahead with her birthday plan, I mean.

Think about it. Where on earth would GRANDMÈRE have gotten the idea to go on My Super Sweet Sixteen? She’s never seen that show. She doesn’t even know what MTV is. Somebody had to have planted that idea in her head.

And I’m betting that somebody is named Lilly Moscovitz.


They really ARE like Snape and Malfoy. Minus the capes.

“Lilly,” I said, trying to sound understanding, and not accusatory. Because Dr. Phil says this is the best way to handle conflict resolution. “I’m sorry Andy Milonakis got his own show, and you didn’t. And I do think it’s a travesty of justice, because your show is way more intelligent AND entertaining than his is. And I’m sorry your parents are separated, and I’m sorry your boyfriend won’t say the L word. But I am not violating my most sacred principles just so that you can finally reach your target demographic. I’m sorry, but there’s not going to be any Super ROYAL Sweet Sixteen Slumber Party in Genovia. And that’s final. And you can tell my grandmother that.”

Lilly blinked a few times. “Me? Tell your grandmother? Why would I tell your grandmother anything?”

“Oh, please,” I said. “Like you weren’t the one who put the bug in her ear about the show My Super Sweet Sixteen.”

“Is that what you think?” Lilly demanded, throwing down the pen she was using to mark up ’Zine submissions. “Well, what if I did? SOMEONE should do something for your birthday, since you’re so opposed to anyone so much as mentioning it.”

“And whose fault is that?” I asked her. “After you ruined my birthday party last year—not to mention what you did at Christmas, in Genovia—”


“Prove it,” I said, my voice sounding very quiet, compared to hers. Which, considering that she was yelling her head off, was kind of no surprise. Lucky for her Mrs. Hill was in the teacher’s lounge, calling Visa to get her credit limit extended.

“And how am I supposed to do that?” Lilly wanted to know.

I thought about it. What COULD Lilly do to prove that she would never again betray my trust by making out with (or playing strip bowling with) relative strangers at some party I, or one of my family members, was hosting?

I thought about making her sing “Don’t Cha” (“Don’t cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?”) at the next pep rally, in front of the whole school. That would certainly have been entertaining, not to mention interesting, considering how Principal Gupta might react.

But then I thought of something that would be even MORE interesting.

“Tell J. P. that you love him,” I said.

I had the satisfaction of seeing all the blood drain from Lilly’s face.

“Mia,” she breathed. “I can’t. You know I can’t. We all agreed—boys like to make the first move. They don’t like it when girls say the L word first. They run from them…like startled fawns.”

I felt a little twinge of guilt. Because she was right. What I was asking her to do might very well cause J. P. to drop her like a hot potato.