Though all he does is rape and plunder

To me it’s always been a wonder

That when he’s done with pillaging

It’s me he turns to for his loving.

She held that crowd in the palm of her hand! Her voice THROBBED with poignancy, just like Madame Puissant taught her! And she remembered to use only one hand while lifting up her train to climb the stairs.

And J.P. practically got a standing ovation for his smith song.

How could someone like she

Ever love a poor man like me?

When clearly she could have anyone

Why would she settle for this someone?

How could she

Ever love me?

And the song right before I strangle Boris was so POWERFUL!!!! You could hear people in the audience—the ones who are unfamiliar with Genovian history—gasp when I sang the line, “So with this braid, I make the turn/Around his neck, so he may burn.” Seriously.

Though twilight brings this day to close

What comes tomorrow none can know.

I lie here in this bed of hate,

And look to night to cast my fate….


Father, Genovia, together we will fight!

Father, Genovia, for the future is tonight!

Cross my heart and hope to die,

My father’s death I’ll avenge, swore I

So with this braid, I make the twist

That by morning’s light, he’ll not exist!

And when I sang that second chorus of “Father, Genovia, together we will fight/Father, Genovia, for the future is tonight!” I am almost positive I heard Grandmère—GRANDMÈRE, of all people—sniffle!

Well, okay, maybe she’s just suffering from a bit of postnasal drip. But still.

Oh, it’s time for the big finale! This is it. Time for the big kiss.

I really hope Tina isn’t right and J.P. doesn’t like me that way. Because no matter what happens, my heart belongs to Michael and always will.

Not that kissing someone else in a play—I mean, musical—is like cheating on him. Because it totally isn’t. What J.P. and I—

Where IS J.P. anyway? We’re supposed to hold hands and run out onto the stage together, with looks of joy upon our faces, and then he gives me the big kiss.